The Blog of Arguments

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The face you make

  The face is the mirror of the soul, and the eyes are its interpreters. -Marcus Tullius Cicero - It is said that, in a small and distant village, there was an abandoned house. One day, a little dog managed to squeeze through a hole in one of the doors of the house. The little dog slowly climbed up the old wooden stairs [...]
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El universo en una Cruz

El universo en una Cruz.  Y te preguntarás, ¿qué tiene que ver la cruz, con los volcanes, las danas, los terremotos, tsunamis, epidemias, enfermedades raras? … y te diré que es "todo". La tierra se revuelve y cruje, está enferma, agoniza por las injusticias y abusos de los hombres y las mujeres.  Y en la […]
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Two by two

  Sad I can be alone; to be cheerful I need company. -Elbert Hubbard - Joy is that special element that gives texture and flavor to our daily lives. Joy is an expansive good, it needs to be shared with others. -Pepe, what happened to your ear? -I was ironing, the phone rang, I got confused and [...]
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Ignorance, lies and idleness can produce false sensations of balance and happiness. -José Luis Rodríguez Jiménez Everyone has habits. A habit is an acquired pattern of behavior that has been automated to such an extent that it is difficult to modify or eliminate. There are conscious and unconscious habits, good and bad, which are [...]
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External evaluation

    La vergüenza de confesar el primer error, hace cometer muchos otros. -Juan de la Fontaine-  Un chiste, de hace unos años, que refleja la importancia del qué dirán: Era verano y hacía un calor insoportable. El marido sale del baño y le dice a su mujer: —Gordita, hace mucho calor y tengo que […]
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