The Blog of Arguments

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James the Greater, the first apostle to give his life for Jesus

Jesus replied, "You do not know what you are asking; can you drink the cup that I shall drink? They answered, "We are able" (Mt 20:22) What luck I had. Jesus knew me very well. He knew that I am very competitive; that I even fight to finish breakfast first, let alone when prestige is at stake. For me it is [...]
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Unnecessary requirements"> Los adultos son criaturas llenas de caprichos y secretos. -Roald Dahl-            Conozco bastantes amigos moteros que disfrutan con sus grandes motos dedicándoles tiempo y dinero. Las hay de todo tipo, gusto y prestaciones: Honda, Yamaha, Harley-Davidson, etc. La mayor parte de mis amigos tienen las motos por simple afición y entretenimiento, pero también […]
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El precio de la igualdad

No se trata de ganar, sino de aprender a bailar. Una reflexión sobre la verdadera igualdad, que nos lleva a querer por encima de deberes y derechos.
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¿Cómo usar Kahoot para la catequesis?

Qué es Kahoot Kahoot es una plataforma para aprender jugando. Se trata de una herramienta online y gratuita. La modalidad de juego más conocida y difundida nos permite elaborar un cuestionario de preguntas, que tienen que ser respondidas en tiempo real por los participantes. El cuestionario se realiza como una competición entre los diferentes participantes, […]
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St. John, the apostle who received Mary

Then he said to the disciple: "Behold your mother" (Jn 19:27) Why do they call me the disciple that Jesus loved? You would have to ask Him, wouldn't you? In any case, I am going to give you an answer. I was the youngest, the one who ran the fastest and also perhaps the one who ran the most [...].
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Letter of Pope Francis to Chinese Catholics

Why has the Pope written a letter to the Catholics of China? The Vatican and the Chinese government reached a historic agreement on the appointment of bishops last September 22. The rupture of relations between the Chinese government and the Vatican had caused the Church to split into two parts: [...]
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[:en]Courage is worth it[:] Courage is worth it[:]. It is worth it[:en]Courage is worth it[:]

[:es] "Ésta sí es carne de mi carne" Me encanta Miguel Delibes cuando dice de Ana, que “con su sola presencia aligeraba la pesadumbre de vivir”. En Ana describe la semblanza de su mujer, Ángeles de Castro, en Señora de rojo sobre fondo gris. Me recuerda a la exclamación de admiración de Adán al ver […]
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[:es]The Strength of Women[:en]The Strength of Women[:]

[Today millions of women and also men naturally want to live life well and form a family, but halfway through they find themselves disappointed; for some reason broken, alone and suffering, and with them, their children, in the midst of a life in difficult balance. [...]
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The big question: what does God want from me?

Do you dare to ask him? Do you dare to stand in front of the Tabernacle and ask the Lord: what do you want from me? Better yet! Do you dare to say yes to whatever he wants, whatever it is? Are you willing to give your life entirely to God? Surely it has not crossed your mind [...]...
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¿Sexo antes del Matrimonio?

Si todavía no "lo has hecho" es que eres de otro planeta: "Te quiero, pero necesito más". "Si nos queremos y nos vamos a casar, ¿por qué esperar para tener relaciones?". "Quiero saber lo que se siente".  "Estamos pasando por un bache en nuestro noviazgo y vamos a intentar salvarlo con ayuda del sexo". "Si […]
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