The Blog of Arguments

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Abortion, a closed debate?

Cuando la mentira se presenta como liberación para tapar el negocio millonario que está detrás del aborto, lo que queda es manipular el lenguaje para justificar lo injustificable. Profundizamos en el debate acerca del aborto.
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Atrapada, a short film about unwanted pregnancy in adolescents

This can't be happening to me...! How is it possible that I'm pregnant? I'd want to go back to make everything go on as before...! My parents are going to kill me when they find out... I'm going to disappoint them! What about my future, my studies, my plans? I can't raise a baby... I'm not ready for [...]
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When I saw for the first time her slanted eyes

Author: Guisell Cárdenas Ugaz, Director of ANDARES School. When I first saw her slanted eyes, "Tomorrow can you come, I need to talk? I received a call, it was one of those that you almost never expect. I answered as usual, polite but surprised. From the other end they said, "Tomorrow can you come over, I need to talk". When I heard that, I knew right away that [...]
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What do you measure life by, time or love?

Hoy os traemos la historia de Elena, una pequeña que nació con una anencefalia, y vivió tan solo dos horas y 11 minutos. Sus padres recibieron cuidados paliativos integrales para poder disfrutar de este duro momento, que hace cuestionarnos en qué medimos la vida, ¿en tiempo o en amor?
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12 teachings of the Church on end-of-life care

12 aportaciones del Magisterio sobre el cuidado de las personas en las fases críticas y al final de la vida que nos recuerda la "Samaritanus Bonus".
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Samaritanus bonus: on caring for people at the end of life

"Samaritanus bonus" es una carta que ha escrito la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe. Trata del cuidado de las personas en las fases críticas y terminales de la vida.
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Just praying and talking to my mother made me calm down, Israel Remuiñán, a hopeful testimony that has won the pulse of COVID-19.

A hopeful testimony in times of war against COVID-19 His name is Israel, he is 26 years old. He is a journalist, works for COPE. He does not smoke and is in good health. And he has been one of those who have had to battle against the coronavirus; that invisible bug, which in some cases can be lethal. He [...]
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The snowboarding jump that changed Cisco Garcia's life

Un testimonio de superación y alegría con la se que afrontan las dificultades de la vida.
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Surrogacy and surrogacy, altruism or exploitation?

¿Qué son los vientres de alquiler? ¿Qué dice el Comité de Bioética sobre esta práctica? ¿Cuál es la postura de la Iglesia? ¿Es lícito convertir al no nacido en objeto de compra-venta? ¿Y a la mujer como una mera incubadora? Abordamos estas cuestiones para comprender mejor lo que está detrás de este aparente "derecho".
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From why to what for: the story of a former Spanish swimming champion with cerebral palsy At 28 years old, Miriam considers herself a very lucky person, and no wonder: a young girl who immediately reveals her attractive personality, with big brown eyes, with a promising musical career that has already accumulated a winning prize in the program "Tú sí que vales", also dedicated to theater, [...]
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