The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

"Tarsicio y los leones", un libro sobre los primeros mártires narrado para niños

Ramón Díaz Perfecto (Pamplona,  1996) ha escrito en Alexia Editorial la novela "Tarsicio y los leones", dirigida fundamentalmente al público juvenil e infantil,  acerca de la vida de este joven romano que dio su vida por ser coherente con fe. Como el propio autor describe en la Sinopsis: "Me llamo Tarsicio y te recomiendo que dejes […]
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A list of resources on faith and current issues to turn to whenever you need them.

Are you tired of wasting time looking for resources on the Internet? Would you like to have a list of resources, websites, YouTube channels and books, where to consult and go with the peace of mind that they are well oriented and are of quality? Well, this post is for you! Below we provide you with a [...]
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4 Catholic online formation websites

St. Therese of Lisieux used to say that ''holiness consists in the disposition of the heart''. Disposition to what God is indicating to us, to offer it to Him for His Glory. And to be able to give the best of ourselves, we must be formed. Because on the shore it's all very well, but as St. Josemaría Escrivá used to say: "Don't fly like a [...]
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#TuClausuraMiClausura, initiative to help support monasteries

What is #TuClausuraMiClausura? It is a campaign that aims to facilitate that companies, families, foundations or parishes can help by contributing their time and work or by collaborating economically to the monasteries and convents that are going through difficult times due to the COVID-19. How? Very simple! Through the website with donations ranging from [...]
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Let no one be lost'', a bridge between the sick and priests

Tender puentes para #QueNoSePierdaNinguno Hoy te contamos una iniciativa preciosa que tiene como objetivo hacer de puente entre las personas y los sacerdotes de España, para facilitar a los enfermos recibir la Unción de Enfermos.Si te gusta y estás en otro país, ¿por qué no te lanzas y la pones en marcha? Pero antes, hablemos de […]
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Top 5 Catholic podcasts in Spanish

On your way to the University or while you are on the subway. If you are looking for Catholic podcasts to take advantage of the ''dead time'' you have every day, and invest them in getting a little closer to God, you are in the right place. The selection method has been very simple: we have asked in the stories of our account of [...]
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The best Catholic videos

Every day more than 1 billion hours of video are viewed on the most used social network in Spanish-speaking countries, YouTube. Surely many times you would like to have at hand a good list of videos to enjoy with your family that rainy Saturday afternoon, or maybe you are looking for quality videos for your [...]
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What we can learn from Toy Story 4

El estreno de Toy Story 4 Sin lugar a dudas el verano del 2019 estará marcado por el estreno de Toy Story 4, la película de Disney-Pixar que parece será la última entrega de la saga de animación. Haciendo memoria, he quedado impresionado al caer en la cuenta de que Toy Story 3 (que para […]
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Cathopic 2.0

¿Qué es Cathopic? Cathopic, plataforma católica e independiente que comparte la belleza de Dios a través de las fotografías, nació en enero de 2017 con el objetivo de proporcionar fotografías de calidad y libres de derecho de manera gratuita. Desde su nacimiento, y como explica su promotor ">">Dimitri Conejo, Cathopic es un banco de imágenes pero […]
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Bishop Carlos Escribano: "Youth ministry is always a ministry of risk".

The Bishop of Calahorra and La Calzada-Logroño, Don Carlos Escribano, offered a few days ago his experience as a Synodal Father in the Metropolitan Seminary of Zaragoza. "Pastoral work with young people is always a pastoral work of taking risks. If not, it is not mission, it is recreating ourselves. But the Church exists to evangelize, it exists to go out into the [...]
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