The Blog of Arguments

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St. Faustina Kowalska: Patroness of Krakow 2016

Saint Faustina was born in Poland on August 25, 1905. Her baptismal name was Elena Kowalska. At the age of seven she heard the call of the Lord in her soul inviting her to a more perfect life. At her first Communion, at the age of nine, she experienced a strong union with Jesus. From then on, the moments [...]
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Eucharistic adoration (II): manifestations

As we saw in a recent post, the Church considers adoration an essential aspect of Eucharistic worship. Gradually, "through the deepening of faith in the real presence of Christ in his Eucharist, the Church became aware of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species" (CCE, n. [...]).
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Francisco: Encíclica, Exhortaciones y... Cómics

">">El papa Francisco se ha tomado en serio lo de llegar a las "periferias": tanto así que él mismo se ha convertido en un personaje de cómic para llegar a los más pequeños. Hace cuatro días fue lanzada la aplicación Pope Francis Comics: "Una divertida e interesante app educativa que explica las palabras del Santo […]
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Pope Francis travels for the first time to Africa

The pontiff travels for the first time to Africa between 25 and 30 November where he will visit Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. Pope Francis will defend the coexistence between Christians and Muslims in with stops in Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.on this interactive map you can see the entire agenda planned by the Pope [...]
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John Paul II: Patron of Krakow 2016

Karol Wojty?a, mejor conocido como Juan Pablo II, nació en 1920 en una pequeña ciudad de Polonia llamada Wadowice. Vivió en su propia carne la ocupación nazi del país y tuvo que estudiar en el seminario clandestino de Cracovia. El año 1946 fue ordenado sacerdote, y más adelante se doctoró en Teología en Roma. Fue […]
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Neither fu nor fa

">"> Lo más grande va sin reparo con lo más pequeño, lo mediocre va solo. - Rabindranath Tagore- Cuántas veces se encuentra uno con personas anodinas, mediocres que han hecho norma de su vida la triste frase: -No me compliques la vida, porfa.           Me recuerdan a Sansón, uno de los últimos jueces israelitas. Sansón […]
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This will also happen

">"> Cuando todo parece estar en tu contra, recuerda que, para levantarse, los aviones necesitan ir en contra del viento y no a favor de él. -Henry Ford-                     Érase una vez un rey que dijo a los sabios de la corte: - He encargado que me fabriquen un precioso anillo para el que he […]
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  These last few days it seems that there have been terrible attacks and catastrophes all over the world. Labels like #prayforparis (pray for Paris), #prayforbeirut (pray for Beirut), #prayforsyria (pray for Syria) have become popular on social media, merging into #prayfortheworld (pray for the world). So what to do? Well, pray. But it seems that by [...]
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Next destination: Krakow

A few days ago at Arguments we have been on our way to WYD. There are still a few months to go but we have already started working to arrive in Krakow with the job well done. After the first two series of videos, we are now entering what we could call "WYD Young Answers 3". On this occasion, and [...]
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#NotInMyName: not all Muslims are ISIS

Things as clear as the fact that not all Muslims are ISIS are forgotten when events like the ones that happened the day before yesterday take place. Sentiments surface, intelligence is clouded, and we begin to judge wrongly and quickly. And so we destroy the culture of encounter and dialogue of which Pope Francis speaks so much. [...]
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