The Blog of Arguments

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Contemplare: el "Amazon" de la vida monástica

¿Qué es Contemplare? Contemplare es la plataforma que ayuda a los monasterios y conventos durante todo el año a vivir de su trabajo. Y que lleva a tu casa o a tu empresa, lo que quieras, cuando quieras, haya o no confinamiento. Es como el "Amazon" de la vida monástica. La Fundación Contemplare te lo […]
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Tips from the cloister on how to cope with confinement

Ellos han elegido voluntariamente vivir "confinados" por amor a Dios en la clausura España es la cuna de la oración mundial; se concentra una tercera parte de la vida contemplativa del mundo, y es el primer país con el mayor número de monasterios en su territorio. A finales del año 2018 había en España 783 monasterios […]
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The Papal Urbi et Orbi Blessing and indulgences

What is a Papal Urbi et Orbi Blessing? The Papal Blessing Urbi et Orbi, since multi-secular times, carries with it a plenary indulgence to the baptized, in communion with the Church, who receive it. The indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment due for sins already erased as to the crime. This [...]
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The Swiss Guard: the smallest and oldest army in the world

Brief history The Swiss Guard was officially founded on January 22, 1506, when some 189 Swiss mercenaries from the canton of Uri, commanded by Captain Kaspar von Silenen, and at the request of the Holy Father of the time, Julius II, entered the Vatican through the Porta del Popolo with the mission of protecting him. They then received their [...]
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Abuse in the Church: pain, forgiveness, reparation and prayer

Sexual abuse in the Church, a painful wound that has not yet healed: We are living through one of the worst crises and biggest scandals in the Catholic Church, triggered by the Grand Jury report recently published in Pennsylvania on sexual abuses committed by 300 priests on 1,000 minors in the last [...]
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10 ways to help the Pope fight against abuse

Pope Francis has written a letter to all Catholics, following the publication of a report on sexual abuse cases in the United States. But what can you do concretely to help the Church and Pope Francis in these moments of shame and pain? We give you 10 ideas for you to put your [...]
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Adopt a priest

Adopta a un sacerdote Hoy queremos hablarte de esta bonita iniciativa que nuestros amigos de llevan a cabo. ''Adopta a un sacerdote'' no tiene otro fin que la de sostener y ayudar a los sacerdotes. ¿Cómo? ¡Muy fácil! Solo tienes que registrarte en la web y te será asignado un sacerdote. Te comprometes a […]
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Where do the remains of the Apostles rest?

On July 25, we celebrated the feast of St. James the Apostle. Since the Middle Ages, millions of pilgrims have traveled the old continent to pray before his remains. Likewise, the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome soon became a major focus of pilgrimages. However, what more do we know about [...]
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Who are the new cardinals?

Pope Francis announced earlier this year that he would appoint 15 new cardinals on February 14. In addition, on the same day the pope will join the College of Cardinals five Archbishops and Bishops Emeritus outstanding for their pastoral charity in the service of the Church. Before that, on the 13th and 14th, he will hold a meeting with the cardinals [...]
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No seguimos al Papa Francisco porque sea argentino, jesuita, o hable español. Ni porque sea muy sobrio, humilde y piadoso, o ame a los pobres. Le queremos con toda nuestra alma porque es el representante de Cristo en la tierra. La tarea que tiene, desde el punto de vista humano, es durísima: llevar el peso […]
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