The Blog of Arguments

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Abortion, a closed debate?

Cuando la mentira se presenta como liberación para tapar el negocio millonario que está detrás del aborto, lo que queda es manipular el lenguaje para justificar lo injustificable. Profundizamos en el debate acerca del aborto.
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Atrapada, a short film about unwanted pregnancy in adolescents

This can't be happening to me...! How is it possible that I'm pregnant? I'd want to go back to make everything go on as before...! My parents are going to kill me when they find out... I'm going to disappoint them! What about my future, my studies, my plans? I can't raise a baby... I'm not ready for [...]
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When I saw for the first time her slanted eyes

Author: Guisell Cárdenas Ugaz, Director of ANDARES School. When I first saw her slanted eyes, "Tomorrow can you come, I need to talk? I received a call, it was one of those that you almost never expect. I answered as usual, polite but surprised. From the other end they said, "Tomorrow can you come over, I need to talk". When I heard that, I knew right away that [...]
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What do you measure life by, time or love?

Hoy os traemos la historia de Elena, una pequeña que nació con una anencefalia, y vivió tan solo dos horas y 11 minutos. Sus padres recibieron cuidados paliativos integrales para poder disfrutar de este duro momento, que hace cuestionarnos en qué medimos la vida, ¿en tiempo o en amor?
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Surrogacy and surrogacy, altruism or exploitation?

¿Qué son los vientres de alquiler? ¿Qué dice el Comité de Bioética sobre esta práctica? ¿Cuál es la postura de la Iglesia? ¿Es lícito convertir al no nacido en objeto de compra-venta? ¿Y a la mujer como una mera incubadora? Abordamos estas cuestiones para comprender mejor lo que está detrás de este aparente "derecho".
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Open Letter on Abortion and Women's Rights

Woman, wife, mother and journalist. A few days ago she posted a thread on Twitter that we echo today. Something similar to an open letter addressed to all those who champion women's rights, but do women really identify with those ideas that others promulgate for them as spokespersons and defenders of women's rights?
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Hi dads, I'm here!

The embryo: a bunch of cells or a human being? Some people say that an embryo is not a human being; that a fetus is not a child; that it is just a bunch of cells, but to say this when we see an ultrasound scan is hard to believe. But to affirm this when one sees an ultrasound scan is a little more difficult to believe. Why is it that in [...]
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What endows the embryo with rights? Magic potagia!

¿Piensas que siempre has tenido derechos? ¡Estás equivocado! ¿Qué poderes mágicos actúan para que el feto no sea un ser humano y por tanto no tenga derechos, y luego sí los tenga?
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What if Cristiano Ronaldo had been aborted by his mother?

Abortion and Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo may never have been one of the best soccer players in the world. In fact, he would not have been born if it were not for the doctor who attended and supported his mother in her fourth pregnancy. In the context of a poor family, Maria Dolores dos Santos [...]
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Karina Estrella, born of rape: "My mother gave me a chance. She saved me by giving me up for adoption".

Karina Estrella's story could be from a movie script. It answers one of the big questions that appear in the media when abortion is debated: is it legal to have an abortion in case of rape? Her mother was raped in the family environment when she was only 14 years old. In the context [...]
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