The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

10 essential platforms for communicating the faith to young people and adolescents

Where can I find something to talk about...? If this also happens to you, if you are plagued by these doubts, you are in luck! This is for you! Are you a religion teacher? Do you teach catechesis to a group of young people? Do you dedicate part of your time to the formation of teenagers and young people? Then save this page in [...]
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July 29, Santa Marta

Who was Saint Martha? Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus. She lived in Bethany, a small town about four kilometers from Jerusalem, near the Mount of Olives. In the Gospel we read in several passages how Jesus went to rest at the home of these three brothers, he was their friend. St. John tells us [...]
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Wide open

">"> Lo usual es que alguien amable genere amabilidad y buena voluntad a su alrededor. -Edith Sánchez- La periodista Pilar Urbano hizo una entrevista a Javier Echevarría, para la revista Época, el 20 de abril de 1994, pocos días antes de su elección como prelado del Opus Dei. Pilar Urbano: Circula ya un cliché prefabricado […]
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4 ideas I learned about love from the song "A Planet Called Us".

Maldita Nerea has done it again! A month ago Maldita Nerea released her new song: "Un planeta llamado nosotros". Before listening to it I thought: What a beautiful way to describe being married! That certainty of having created something totally new, a whole new world within the four walls of a home. A place to "be [...]
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The lazy delay

">"> Una persona perezosa es un reloj sin agujas,  siendo inútil tanto si anda como si está parado. -William Cowper-  El poeta, ensayista, crítico de arte y traductor francés, Charles Pierre Baudelaire (1821-1867), escribió: Retrasando lo que se debe hacer, se corre el peligro de no hacerlo nunca. Posiblemente se retrataba en esta frase, porque […]
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The 33 keys to Pope Francis, by Juan Vicente Boo

Juan Vicente Boo, el autor Juan Vicente Boo, corresponsal del periódico ABC en el Vaticano, ha escrito “">">“33 claves del papa Francisco. Los años duros”. Y, como él mismo indica casi al final del libro, las 33 claves no son suficientes para “reflejar la personalidad y el pontificado de Francisco”, pero sí que son una […]
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July 16, the Virgin of Carmen

The origins of the devotion to the Virgin of Mount Carmel The origins of the name of Carmel are to be found in the region of Galilee, in a mountain that rises in the maritime town of Haifa and that receives the name of Carmel, which in Hebrew means 'garden'. According to the Book of Kings, that [...]
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Joaquín Navarro-Valls, spokesperson

On July 5 of this year (2019), Joaquín Navarro-Valls, who was spokesman for the Holy See for 22 years, most of them under Pope John Paul II, passed away in Rome. To pay tribute to him, his brother Rafael has compiled in a book the opinions about him that [...]
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">"> Tratar a los demás como uno quisiera ser tratado  es el medio más seguro de agradar que yo conozco. -Conde de Chesterfield-  De Confucio, filósofo chino (551a.C.-478 a.C.) me contaron el siguiente diálogo que no sé si fue tal cual o no, pero me sirve la lección que conlleva. A Confucio le preguntaron en […]
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July 11, St. Benedict Abbot, patron saint of Europe

¿Quién es San Benito Abad? San Benito Abad o también conocido como San Benito de Nursia es patrón de Europa y Patriarca del monasticismo occidental. Benito etimológicamente significa "bendecido". Es considerado el Padre del monasticismo occidental. Decidió abandonar Roma y el mundo para evitar la vida licenciosa de dicha ciudad. Vivió como ermitaño por muchos […]
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