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Próximo destino: Panamá - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (y X)

Domingo, 31 de julio -La próxima JMJ será en... ¡Panamá! El público estalló en júbilo después de este anuncio del Papa Francisco. Ya se habían escuchado algunos rumores sobre el lugar de la próxima JMJ, pero nada estaba seguro hasta que el Papa lo confirmó con sus propias palabras. Ahora, ya sabes: a ahorrar para la […]
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Hacia el Campus Misericordiae - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (IX)

Saturday, July 30 Today I am writing early, in the midst of the expectation of going to Campus Misericordiae, where the Vigil with Pope Francis will take place. It is evident in the atmosphere that we all want to be there and witness the culmination of this WYD, praying all together before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. It has been a quiet morning, [....]
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Día de encuentros - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (VIII)

Friday, July 29th -Do you dedicate an entry in the newspaper to me? -I don't believe it. I just ran into Tato, the Arguments web programmer. -Tato! That's how I'll start the next entry. I meet Tato and dedicate today's post to him. We met at the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy or, [...]
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¡Fiesta tras fiesta! - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (VII)

Thursday, July 28 -Documents. Two policemen stopped us when we arrived at the Czestochowa train station. I had left my passport behind, what was I doing? I appeared calm, took out my wallet and handed one of them my card of a foreign student in Spain. The policeman looked at it, did some work on a device he was carrying and handed it to me.
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El Papa ya nos acompaña - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (VI)

Wednesday, July 27, Nana did not attend her graduation ceremony of Economics because it coincided with her coming to Krakow. And what a risk she took. She had never been to a WYD before. What if she had not liked it? Nana, you are great; I don't know if I would have done the same. We met Nana [...].
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Llegan las multitudes - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (V)

Tuesday, July 26 The horror of the concentration camps has not prevented it from continuing to bloom in Auschwitz. There, next to a crematorium oven, tiny yellow flowers grow. Hardly anyone notices them, with good reason: everyone is stupefied by the capacity of human beings for evil. But the little flowers of [...]
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Siguiendo los caminos de San Juan Pablo II - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (IV)

Lunes, 25 de julio Sol afuera. Cuatro y media de la tarde. Ha llegado uno de los momentos esperados. Próxima visita: el Santuario de la Divina Misericordia, en el barrio de ?agiewniki. Pero tenemos un problema. No sabemos qué tranvía tomar. Preguntamos a una cracoviana: no entiende inglés. A una voluntaria: se va con prisas. A […]
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Cracovia, ¡aquí estamos! - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (III)

Sunday, July 24 In the style of Harry Potter's Hogwarts Express. That's how you can describe the train in which we are traveling right now from Warsaw to Krakow. Not so much for the exterior appearance, because it does not resemble an old locomotive; but for the interior. Each carriage is divided into compartments of [...]
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Cracovia, ¡allá vamos! - Diario desde la JMJ Cracovia 2016 (II)

Hello, fellow virtual pilgrims! I am writing from Bogota, the capital of Colombia. In a couple of hours, at two o'clock in the afternoon (Colombian time), our flight will leave for Madrid. Today will necessarily be a short day, because if we convert to Spanish time -the same as in Poland- we will take off at 9:30 p. m. [...]
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The nine trips of St. John Paul II to Poland

WYD Krakow 2016 is approaching and, for the first time, Pope Francis will visit Poland. A land that his predecessor St. John Paul II visited nine times. Why not? It was his homeland. As the Polish Pope is one of the patrons of this coming WYD, we wanted to rescue the reviews of each of the 9 [...]
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