The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

Upcoming courses and congresses that we recommend

Training without leaving home at the click of a button Are you interested in learning about marketing trends and then applying them to the field of communicating the faith? Would you like to learn about tools and how to evangelize on the Internet? Would you like to learn more about some specific topics related to the faith? Well, this is what you are interested in! We leave you a selection of courses and [...]
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10 essential platforms for communicating the faith to young people and adolescents

Where can I find something to talk about...? If this also happens to you, if you are plagued by these doubts, you are in luck! This is for you! Are you a religion teacher? Do you teach catechesis to a group of young people? Do you dedicate part of your time to the formation of teenagers and young people? Then save this page in [...]
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15 tips on digital evangelization

In this post I share experiences and considerations of a professor who researches communication. It is an updated version of a previous text with contributions from experts in social networks such as Jorge Gutiérrez, Auxi Rueda, La Samaritana, Josefer Juan, Txomin Pérez, and Paulina Núñez y. Thanks for the suggestions and don't stop following them! The communication of faith is.... [...]
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Communicating faith in a positive way: Jack Valero and Reframing

Who is Jack Valero, don't panic! We introduce him to you. Jack Valero is, along with Austen Ivereigh, the founder of Catholic Voices: a team of unofficial Catholic communicators -speakers-, who put themselves at the service of the media to make the voice of Catholics heard on current issues. [...]
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5 ideas about young people and the Church

A few days ago, a school invited us to speak about young people in the Church. It was great for us to have been in Gustavo Entrala's presentation at the iCongreso 2017. There we got some very good ideas for the evangelization of the so-called millenials.
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Evangelizing for Dummies

Many times we are presented with the opportunity to give advice to help someone who comes to us for support. However, when the moment of truth comes, we don't know how to do it. Or maybe we are embarrassed and end up giving typical advice without helping as much as we would have liked. To [...]
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Pope Francis' 5 tips for catechists

On September 25, 2016 Pope Francis celebrated a Holy Mass on the occasion of the Jubilee of catechists. As the catechetical portal that we are, at Arguments we thought it was important to summarize, by way of advice, the ideas that Francis conveyed in his homily. 
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7 teachings of Pope Francis on communicating the faith

Te ofrecemos a continuación 7 enseñanzas del Papa Francisco sobre la comunicación de la fe. Estas ideas son parte de la conferencia "¿Qué podemos aprender del Papa Francisco en la comunicación de la fe?", que Juan Manuel Mora impartió en el curso de actualización pastoral La conversión pastoral de la parroquia. Retos, experiencias y propuestas. 
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5 keys of Pope Francis for communicators

El vientre materno: la primera "escuela" de comunicación El pasado 23 de enero, vigilia de la fiesta de san Francisco de Sales, patrono de los comunicadores, se hizo público el mensaje del papa Francisco para la 49ª Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones Sociales, que se celebrará el próximo 17 de mayo. El mensaje tiene como […]
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Smile in front of the cameras

Uno de los grandes logros que conseguimos en Arguments con los" target="_blank" rel="noopener">vídeos para la JMJ de Madrid fue que algunos aprendimos a sonreír delante de la cámara. ¡No es cosa fácil! Basta ver la lucecita roja que te indica que te están grabando para quedar con la cara tensa y aparecer en el […]
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