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[:en]Elegance is an attitude and is not for sale[:].

[Leticia Varó, graduated in advertising and journalism. She has experience as a stylist and has been director of the Murcia Fashion Week. She is currently in charge of the communication and events office of the designer Cayetana Ferrer. In this interview Miriam Lafuente shares with us her ideas about fashion, elegance and trends. Elegance [...]
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Meditation of Pope Francis at the Extraordinary Blessing Urbi et Orbi to ask for an end to the pandemic of COVID-19

A time of adoration and extraordinary Urbi et Orbi Blessing to pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic The Pope wanted to gather all of us to pray before the Lord to ask for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then to impart the Urbi et Orbi Blessing, with the possibility of gaining a plenary indulgence. [...]
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The Papal Urbi et Orbi Blessing and indulgences

What is a Papal Urbi et Orbi Blessing? The Papal Blessing Urbi et Orbi, since multi-secular times, carries with it a plenary indulgence to the baptized, in communion with the Church, who receive it. The indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment due for sins already erased as to the crime. This [...]
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What would life be like?

">"> El agradecimiento es la parte principal  de un hombre de bien. -Francisco de Quevedo-            Los japoneses tienen un notable sentido del agradecimiento. Se cuenta la historia de un cultivador de crisantemos que aguardaba una visita del emperador para disfrutar de sus plantas, de las cuales cientos y cientos estaban en flor. El floricultor […]
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Just praying and talking to my mother made me calm down, Israel Remuiñán, a hopeful testimony that has won the pulse of COVID-19.

A hopeful testimony in times of war against COVID-19 His name is Israel, he is 26 years old. He is a journalist, works for COPE. He does not smoke and is in good health. And he has been one of those who have had to battle against the coronavirus; that invisible bug, which in some cases can be lethal. He [...]
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Universal Invitation to Pray for the End of the Covid-19 Pandemic

An Our Father and the Urbi et Orbi Blessing to pray for the end of the pandemic Pope Francis has called on all the faithful of the world to pray the Our Father on March 25, the Feast of the Incarnation, at the Angelus. With this gesture, he wants to universalize the [...]
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Narciso's selfie

A reflection on the excesses in social networks, by Francisco Sampieri Not long ago I came across a viral image. It was a superposition of images that would become an interesting critique of our society. I have tried to track down the author, but I have not been successful so I guess that what started as a [...]
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Spiritual communion in times of coronavirus

What is a spiritual communion? When it is not possible to receive sacramental communion, it is always possible to receive the sacrament in a spiritual way. In the spiritual communion the effects were obtained in the vow, as a promise. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, it consists in making an act of faith about the presence of Jesus Christ in the [...]
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Discover stars

">"> La capacidad de entusiasmo es signo de salud espiritual. -Gregorio Marañón- Me contaron que hubo una vez un señor que estaba todo el día sonriendo. Cuando, agobiado por el calor, todo el mundo protestaba del sol y se escondía bajo la sombra de los árboles, aquel hombre caminaba tranquilamente sonriendo, como si disfrutara de […]
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What are indulgences?

The indulgence is a form of forgiveness that the faithful obtain in relation to their sins through the mediation of the Church. Where does the word indulgence come from, what does it mean? Indulgence comes from the Latin, from the verb "indulgeo" meaning "to be indulgent" and also "to grant". An indulgence is something that is granted in our favor. [...]
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