The Blog of Arguments

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Saint Elizabeth, cousin of the Mother of the Messiah

Con María todo es fácil "¿Quién soy yo para que me visite la madre de mi Señor?" (Lc 1, 43) ¿Por qué tengo tanta suerte para que venga la Madre de mi Señor a visitarme? No me lo explico. ¿Qué hace María aquí? Nadie me hacía tanta falta como ella, pero no me atrevía ni […]
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Vocation and saints

Vocation is an ever-topical subject When we talk about vocation, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is a subject that is discussed quite a lot. Both the saints and the Church constantly talk about it, and yet we commonly hear these questions from our friends and people on the street: What is vocation?
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5 Catholic topics you probably haven't heard of

[vc_row type="in_container" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left" overlay_strength="0.3"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" width="1/1"][vc_column_text]La cantidad de temas que hay en la Iglesia Católica es inmensa y es muy difícil conocerlos todos. Solamente está a la altura de auténticos expertos profundizar en todos ellos. No obstante, si quieres conocer la doctrina católica a fondo te recomendamos dos opciones: el […]
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The Youth Synod is over, now what?

Closing of the Synod The Synod of Youth has come to an end. But this was not the end, but a point and a continuation. Now we can say that the Synod of Youth has really begun. It is the moment of truth, of making it come alive. The Church wants to have a new, more active and welcoming attitude towards young people.
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The Samaritan woman: from pain and curse to regaining dignity at a stroke

The Samaritan woman How can you, being a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, to drink? (Jn 4:9) Only Jesus knows my name. However, he did not want it to be recorded in the Gospel. He knows why, and I do not deny that he is quite right. In my story, the most important thing is not my name [...].
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October 28: St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus

Breve biografía Apóstoles de Jesús. Tras el envío del Señor, juntos partieron a evangelizar por las naciones. San Judas Tadeo escribió una pequeña carta que forma parte de la Biblia. Ambos fueron martirizados por causa de Cristo. Según la tradición, Tadeo murió a cachiporrazos. A San Judas Tadeo se le conoce como "Patrón de las […]
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You too are called to be a saint

¿Santidad? ¿Para mí? ¿Ser santo, yo? ¡Sí, todos los cristianos estamos llamados a ser santos!
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A mother always wants the best for her children: one to the right and one to the left of Jesus.

The vocation of Salome. Mother of James and John Order these two sons of mine to sit in your kingdom, one at your right hand and the other at your left (Mt 20:21) I have always dreamed a lot about my children: their future, their plans, their families, their fears and, above all, mine. No [...]
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With or without comma

">"> Solo hay un riesgo que deberías evitar a toda costa,  y es el riesgo de no hacer nada. -Denis Waitley-  Me contaron así el cuento de la norteamericana Patty Hansen: Dos semillas estaban juntas en el suelo primaveral y fértil. La primera semilla dijo: —¡Yo quiero crecer! Quiero hundir mis raíces en la profundidad […]
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Christine, the road to Carmel of a young Hindu girl

I was addressing a God I did not know Christine Kapadia comes from Gujarat, a state located in the west of India. Like almost 90% of the 60 million inhabitants of this state, she grew up as a Hindu, in a normal Indian family. He was already showing a lively interest in the world of [...]
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