The Blog of Arguments

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Peter Pan syndrome

  Porque una cosa te parezca difícil, no creo que sea imposible para otro.  -Marco Aurelio-   Por la evolución natural de la vida, van pasando los años y vamos madurando, pero vivimos en una sociedad que tiende a retrasar esa madurez y parece instalarse en el llamado síndrome de Peter Pan. Es muy conocido […]
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Son of his works

  Great spirits will always encounter the violent opposition of mediocre minds. -Albert Einstein- The fable of Paul Watzlawick, Austrian psychologist and naturalized American (1921-2007), author of The Art of Making Life Bitter, is well known, in which he tells how the mind itself can become a factory of conflicts when we project ourselves towards the [...]
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Iluso deluso

  And, dear Lucilius, life is a struggle. -Seneca: Quite often we tend to believe that reality should be a certain way and we get angry when it is not so. And by not accepting that things are as they are, we become angry, saddened, dejected and enraged like capricious, self-centered children. In [...]
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Half-man or man and a half

  The strongest and best-constituted soul is the one that is neither proud nor enervated in its successes, and which does not suffer setbacks. -Although his life seems like science fiction, Blas de Lezo was a Basque (1689-1741), a Spanish naval officer who, although he was lame, one-eyed and [...]
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Two minutes later

  Every time you take an attitude towards time, you actually express something about yourself. Time, in a subjective sense, is a mirror. -Deepak Chopra: The house where I live is served by two ladies: one does the cooking and the other does the cleaning and laundry. One morning in March [...]
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