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It's in your hands"> Ves cosas y dices, ¿por qué?  Pero yo sueño cosas que nunca fueron y me digo,  ¿por qué no? -George Bernard Shaw- Cuentan que, hace ya muchos años, en una ciudad de Grecia vivía un sabio, famoso por su creatividad para encontrar respuesta a todos los interrogantes y preguntas que le planteaban. Un día, […]
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[:en]God's family is incomplete without the woman [:]

[:en] The Church and the Popes do love women The family of God is incomplete without women and does not depend on functions and organizational charts, but on the expression of themselves as free men and women with equal dignity. For this reason, when it comes to questioning the role of the [...]
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7 ideas for praying every day if you are Catholic and very busy

Rezar no siempre es fácil. Aunque lo intentes, quizá te cuesta encontrar el tiempo para hacerlo. Te sugerimos 7 momentos para encontrar a Dios en tu día a día.
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How to be a saint?

I exist, therefore I am loved by God I think we can all sense that people are not like stones (although stones can be very beautiful). God has created us in a special way: his Word has called us into existence, setting us on a journey to discover the truth and to love freely. He has [...]
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March 25: The Incarnation and the Annunciation

What is celebrated on the Feast of the Incarnation? "The Incarnation is the mystery of the admirable union of the divine nature and human nature in the one Person of the Word." (Catechism, n. 483) "The fact of the Incarnation of God, who becomes a man like us, shows us the realism without [...]
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And we flew!

">águilas-cañón-colorado-2A.jpg"> No podrás descubrir nuevos océanos, mientras no tengas el valor de perder de vista la orilla. -François Gaston-            Las espléndidas águilas que habitan en el majestuoso cañón del Colorado, en Estados Unidos, usan una clase especial de madera para construir sus nidos. En ocasiones vuelan hasta 300 km. en un día para encontrar […]
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Why is there usually a skull under the cross?

Francisco Sampieri Mexican seminarian Francisco Sampieri, a regular contributor to Semis al aire, iMisión, Arguments and a great friend, is known on Twitter for creating ingenious threads (a series of connected tweets from the same person) that usually go viral and bring us closer to the life of a saint, such as this one about Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, or [...]
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God Wants You Happy, the latest book by José Ignacio Munilla

Dios te quiere feliz, el fruto de una intensa actividad Dios te ha creado y te quiere... feliz. Es la experiencia personal de José Ignacio Munilla y así nos la cuenta en este libro fruto de su intensa actividad pastoral como invitado a tantas conferencias, sesiones y charlas. Muchas instituciones y movimientos de la Iglesia […]
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What we know about José

What do we know about Joseph? Christianity is not based on accepting or practicing ideas, but on believing in Christ, on loving him, on following him. The intense love that the Church has for Christ reaches all that is his. We venerate the places where his life took place. Bethlehem, where he was born. Nazareth, where he lived. Jerusalem, where he died and rose again. [...]
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[:en]Toast to the royal fathers[:]

[March 19 is the feast of St. Joseph, which in many parts of the world is also celebrated as Father's Day. Joseph was the father of Jesus, the Son of God, on earth. He is a model for men as a husband, father, friend, worker and man [...].
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