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More is better?"> Las personas cuando viven más seriamente por dentro, también viven más sencillamente por fuera. -Ernest Hemingway-            Tiene José María Pemán (1922-1981) una poseía: Elogio de la vida sencilla, de la que extraigo estos versos:  Quiero gozar cuanto pueda, y, con acierto y medida, gastar moneda a moneda el tesoro de mi vida;  más […]
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[:en]Dreams of men, dreams of God[:]

[We dream of being God We men and women dream of being God. If we could be that good, that constant, that generous in love, then we would have everything: happiness, forever, without boredom or fatigue. But can man, woman, be God? I am afraid that experience tells us that [...]
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Leproso con picardía: "era mucho más sencillo recibir amor que tratar de ganarlo o incluso comprarlo"

At this, a leper came to him, knelt down and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." He stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, "I will, be cleansed" (Mt 8:2-3). I have had the good fortune to say the two words that Jesus likes the most: if you want to. I was a leper, an outcast. Everyone [...]
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How have the saints lived Christmas?

7 thoughts on Christmas from 7 great saints How have the Saints lived Christmas? What have they said about this feast so important in the Christian life? We leave you 7 considerations of 7 great saints about Christmas: St. Francis of Assisi St. Augustine St. Ignatius of Loyola St. John of the Cross St. John of the Cross [...]
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Los 10 pecados de la Iglesia al hablar del matrimonio

Los errores de la Iglesia al hablar de matrimonio En su Exhortación Apostólica "Amoris Laetitia", el Papa Francisco reconoce algunos errores de la Iglesia Católica a la hora de tratar la familia y el matrimonio: "a veces, nuestro modo de presentar las convicciones cristianas, y la forma de tratar a las personas, han provocado lo […]
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The true story of Christmas

#ChristmasRevolution Hoy vamos a contaros la verdadera historia de la Navidad, su verdadero sentido. Te lo desvelaremos de la mano de Enrique Monasterio. En su" rel="tag" data-query-source="hashtag_click" data-scribe="element:hashtag">libro "El Belén que puso Dios", explica la clave. Nosotros a ese secreto le hemos llamado "La Revolución de la Navidad", o sea #ChristmasRevolution. Su obra no es […]
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A mother of the Holy Innocents: How can so much pain be put together in one night!

Seeing himself mocked by the magi, Herod flew into a rage and had all the children in Bethlehem and its environs killed, calculating the time by what he had learned from the magi (Mt 2:16). Bartholomew was six months old when God allowed Herod to destroy our lives. How did [...]
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The snowboarding jump that changed Cisco Garcia's life

Un testimonio de superación y alegría con la se que afrontan las dificultades de la vida.
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December 17: St. Lazarus of Bethany

Who was Saint Lazarus of Bethany? Saint Lazarus of Bethany, also known as Saint Lazarus, was a New Testament character who was a close friend of Jesus Christ, whom he hosted in his house on several occasions during his time of preaching. He is well known for the powerful miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John, in which he [...]
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Christian origin of Christmas carols

¿De dónde provienen los villancicos? ¿Cómo surge? Dice el refrán popular que "quien canta reza dos veces". Durante siglos los villancicos han ambientado el espíritu de la Navidad. Con múltiples adaptaciones, de acuerdo a cada país, recuerdan año tras año el nacimiento de Jesús. El origen de los villancicos proviene de la Edad Media (s. […]
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