The Blog of Arguments

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Recursos para vivir el Adviento y preparar tu corazón para el nacimiento del Niño Dios.
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Catechesis of Pope Francis: the 10 Commandments

Pope Francis explains the 10 Commandments Pope Francis' catecheses from June 2018 to November 2018 during the Wednesday general audience had as their theme the Ten Commandments. Pope Francis has dedicated a good number of the catecheses he shares with pilgrims who come to the Vatican to deepen [...]
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"La Misa dibujada para niños", con este misal podrás enseñar a los más pequeños de forma divertida cómo vivir mejor la Santa Misa.
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Nina's First Communion

Nina is a sick little girl who spends long hours in the hospital. But she is not alone: she soon makes many and varied friends who, like her, are preparing to make their First Communion. In her catechesis she will discover the beauty and grandeur of the Eucharist. In this story, the scholar of the language [...]
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The 7 words of Christ on the Cross, the prayer of a wife and mother of a family

Un libro electrónico para rezar con la oración de una esposa y madre de familia al hilo de las 7 palabras pronunciadas por Jesús en la Cruz.
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A list of resources on faith and current issues to turn to whenever you need them.

Are you tired of wasting time looking for resources on the Internet? Would you like to have a list of resources, websites, YouTube channels and books, where to consult and go with the peace of mind that they are well oriented and are of quality? Well, this post is for you! Below we provide you with a [...]
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What God asks of me is a gift, about the vocation of some women of the Gospel.

Un libro electrónico para rezar sobre la vocación de algunas de las mujeres del Evangelio, gratis y a golpe de clic.
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A guide not to get lost during Easter Week

A guide so as not to get lost during Holy Week and to live it in depth It is frequent that when the Holy Days approach, all kinds of doubts and questions arise: What do we celebrate each day of Holy Week? What practices of piety are recommended to live these days? What are the Offices; and the Monuments? How do we [...]
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Sunday after Epiphany: the Baptism of the Lord

Gospel of the Baptism of the Lord: "Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But he resisted, saying, 'It is I who need to be baptized by you, and are you coming to me? Jesus answered him, 'Let me go now; this is the way we ought to fulfill all righteousness. Then John permitted him. Immediately afterward [...]
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Getting closer to Bethlehem, stories to pray at Christmas time

Un libro electrónico para aprender a rezar con el corazón y los afectos al hilo del Evangelio.
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