Communication in the Popes

Communication in the parents

"To transmit the faith is not to give information, but to found a heart, to found a heart in faith in Jesus Christ," Pope Francis.
How have the various Popes conveyed the truth and beauty of the faith? What have they said and how have they addressed some of the church's most controversial issues in public opinion? We address these and similar questions here.

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"Tenderness is the testimony of God's embrace of us. primerea", Francisco. 

"Faith is not to be presupposed but proposed. So it is. In itself, faith is not preserved in the world, it is not automatically transmitted to the human heart, but must always be proclaimed. The proclamation of faith, in turn, in order to be effective, must begin with a heart that believes, that hopes, that loves, a heart that adores Christ and believes in the power of the Holy Spirit", Benedict XVI.

"Dear young people, go with confidence to meet Jesus! And, like the new saints, do not be afraid to speak of him! For Christ is the true answer to all questions about man and his destiny. You young people must become apostles of your contemporaries", St. John Paul II.

"The Church grows by attraction, it grows by attraction, and the transmission of the faith is given through witness, even martyrdom". Precisely, when one sees this coherence of life with what we say, curiosity always arises: "But why do you live like this? Why do you live a life of service to others? And that curiosity is the seed that the Holy Spirit takes and carries it forward," Francis said.

"When the contemplative spirit is lacking, life is not defended and everything human degenerates. Without interiority, modern man endangers his own integrity", St. John Paul II.
"The happiness you seek, the happiness you have the right to experience has a name, a face: that of Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist," Benedict XVI.

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