The Blog of Arguments

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Perseguidos: si "sufren más, rezan más"

Persecuted Christians It is usually necessary to keep quiet in the face of great things. This is one of those occasions that confirm it. Without much introduction, we leave you with the testimony of Sister Maria Guadalupe, a religious of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, who gave an interview to Aleteia and to The Observer on October 2 about the persecuted Christians in [...]
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A muletazos

">"> Ganar no lo es todo, pero querer ganar sí lo es. -Vince Lombardi- Están dos amigos comentando las incidencias del fin de semana.          - ¡Vaya miedo que pasamos ayer! - ¿Qué os pasó? - Mientras merendábamos en el campo, apareció un toro enorme, y si no es por mi cuñado hubiera ocurrido alguna […]
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The symbolic dimension of clothing in Penance

En la ">">Penitencia , como en cualquier sacramento, el vestido del celebrante juega un papel simbólico y pedagógico fundamental. El Ritual de la Penitencia establece en el n. 75 que " Los ornamentos propios para celebrar la reconciliación individual en la iglesia son el alba y la estola. Si se celebra en otro lugar apropiado, […]
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400 thousand registered pilgrims

There are less than 300 days left until World Youth Day in Krakow and the organization's registration system has 400,000 registered pilgrims. Most of the pilgrims come from Poland, Italy and North America. There are also many pilgrims from the Near/Middle East and Africa. Today we have registered the group [...]
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Saints in marriage, saints in the family

The task of the bishops at the Synod has come to an end and now it is the turn of the families to be the protagonists. Families that have been there for a long time, families that are just beginning or families that may be forming: now they speak. Laura Casals tells us her testimony. She and her boyfriend, Alberto Miralles (the first from left to right in the photo), were [...]
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Hold on a little

">"> Los hombres vulgares han inventado la vida en sociedad porque les es más fácil soportar a los demás que soportarse a sí mismos. -Arthur Schopenhauer-  -Pero, María -reprocha el anciano marido a su esposa-, ¿tú no decías que me habías de querer siempre? -Pues, claro -repuso ella malhumorada-. Pero no pensé que ibas a […]
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The travels of St. John Paul II

Enter the beta version of The Travels of St. John Paul II A little more than three times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. This is how the 104 trips of St. John Paul II outside Rome can be summarized in kilometers. With 129 countries visited, the Polish pope dedicated 543 days of his pontificate to [...]
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Almudena: from the world to Carmel

Almudena, like most girls her age, had a professional project, dreams to fulfill and many hobbies. One of them was traveling. With more than 70 countries visited and a long list of adventures, this 23 year old from Madrid has just embarked on her latest adventure. A journey that was not in [...]
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Eucharistic adoration (I): God with us

Adoro te devote, latens Deitas ("I adore you with devotion, hidden God") recites the hymn that St. Thomas Aquinas composed for the feast of Corpus Christi. Devotionally adoring the Holy Eucharist is one of the indispensable dimensions of our faith. It unites our whole being with the loving presence of God. This leads him to exclaim [...].
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Why do we call priests father?

Traducimos el artículo de Joseph Heschmeyer "Why Do Catholics Call Priests "Father"? Isn't That Against the Bible?" (¿Por qué los católicos llaman padre a los sacerdotes? ¿No está esto contra la Biblia?) publicado en ChurchPop.  Una de las objeciones comunes que se le hace al catolicismo es que los católicos ignoran la Biblia llamando padre […]
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