The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

Social networks in faith communication

After talking about the contents and the most appropriate design for Catholic websites, it is now time to discuss the diffusion through social networks, which are the channel with which we can achieve the most relevance, since this is where our public is generally found. Let us begin by addressing the state of the question. [...]
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Design in the communication of faith

We have previously given great importance to the content of a website. But if we have pointed out that the content is important, the design is essential. The design acts as one more element of communication that makes it easier for the user to reach the main contents and to know what is essential within a page. [...]
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The contents in the communication of faith

In the communication process that is established between the sender and the receiver, it is not only the message that is transmitted that is important, but also the form adopted for its presentation. On many occasions, attention to formal and aesthetic aspects predisposes the audience to a better reception of the message [...].
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De tanto comportarse como un hombre enamorado, se volvió a enamorar

De tanto comportarse como un enamorado, se volvió a enamorar: Las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre el matrimonio chocan en la actualidad con la forma de verlo de muchas personas. Se piensa que la fidelidad es muy difícil, que es cosa de otra época... Por supuesto que no es algo fácil ser fiel a tu […]
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Steve Jobs or how to make a public presentation

Steve Jobs was one of the great masters of public presentations. Much has been written about the way he made and prepared presentations. Here are some tips for preparing presentations but it is best to read the .pdf file linked at the end. 1. Plan on paper [...] 2.
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Who said Sunday Mass was old-fashioned?

Catholics in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston have it clear. The Mass and the Catholic Church is not something that belongs to the past, but to the present day. For this reason they have launched an ambitious campaign entitled Any Given Sunday that encourages the faithful of other Christian denominations to approach the Catholic Church. [...]
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10 ideas for a good relationship with the media

10 ideas for a good relationship with the media: These ideas have been taken from Professor Jordi Rodriguez Virgili, in the classes of Political Communication at the University of Navarra, and have been adapted to the communication of faith in public opinion. Many of them are the same ideas without any changes, but [...]
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Mercedes Colubí, voluntaria de Cáritas: "No espero agradecimiento, sino que se hagan voluntarios todos los que puedan"

Carlos Veci Mercedes Colubí Tovar trabaja como voluntaria en Cáritas Oviedo y es religiosa Esclava del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Nos cuenta algunas de sus experiencias en el Ropero de Cáritas de esta ciudad y cómo vive el contacto con los más desfavorecidos de la sociedad.  ¿Cómo es su día a día en Cáritas? Depende […]
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Topics on the Church and Caritas

Dolores Bueno (also published in her personal blog) I have been slow to write on the subject, because I did not have them all with me (and I still do not have them certainly), but I have been researching for some time in different sources and I will try to summarize my conclusions here. First of all, I would like to warn you that I am a practicing Catholic, that this post is [...]
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XI Encuentro de Comunicadores Sociales

Lucía Martínez El XI Encuentro de Comunicadores Sociales tuvo este año como lema “Los medios de comunicación social en la transmisión de la fe”. Los jóvenes de JMJ Young Answers fuimos invitados a participar en una mesa redonda que llevaba por nombre “Aprender a comunicar”. Así que el 26 de mayo nos plantamos cuatro de […]
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