The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

Why am I sometimes unhappy?"> Una pregunta que todos nos hemos hecho alguna vez... ¿Por qué a veces no soy feliz? Seguro que tú también alguna vez te has hecho esta pregunta... ¿Por qué no soy feliz si tengo una familia que me quiere; un trabajo; amigos increíbles...? ¿Por qué no...? ¿Qué me falta o qué me pasa?"> […]
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3 questions that every single man has asked himself at some time or another

"I'm 35 and single... I'm starting to despair, where are the good guys?" "How do I live my decision to wait for marriage without scaring off the guys I know?" "A guy usually writes me a lot but has no initiative when we see each other in person, how do I answer him if what I want is a [...]...
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Notemo, St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body for Young People

What is Notemo? In 2008 was born in the parish of the Mother of God of the Miraculous Medal, the youth space ''Notemo''. This project, driven by the Holy Spirit, aims to seek Jesus, love him and make him loved, following the teachings of St. John Paul II and building together the civilization of love. As they state in [...]
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9 ideas to be happy

Who doesn't want to be happy? "Have you ever asked yourself: Will I be happy in my life? Will I make it? Because when you're at a low point it seems impossible to reach? The answer is yes, no doubt, with God's help, but you have to try hard. Because the happiness of a free creature has no place without [...]
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How to love a person before meeting him or her?

Clean and prepare your heart: When you know that someone is coming to your house that you care about, you clean everything, you want it to smell good, you want it to be tidy, you don't want anything broken, you want the bathroom to be clean and tidy. You make sure that when the other person enters your [...]
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We are made to love

Loving is what gives meaning to life On the occasion of Valentine's Day, February 14, we made a selection of resources to learn to love with "good love". We are made to love. It is what gives meaning to our life. Love makes us grow and improve ourselves. It fills us with [...]
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5 videos to understand love

¿Conoces a Father Mike? El padre ">">Mike Schmitz es un ">">vloggero que produce contenidos para Ascension Presents. Con mucho tacto, usa argumentos inteligentes, anécdotas y humor para hablar sobre un tema en cada uno de sus vídeos. Hemos escogido algunos que creemos que explican muy bien varias preguntas sobre el amor: ¿Encontraré a mi alma gemela? ¿Cómo […]
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