The Blog of Arguments

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Start playing with Cateplay Online - Instructions

Cateplay es un juego que reta los conocimientos adquiridos con el catecismo. Se juega por equipos y con árbitro, con actividades extraídas del Catecismo para niños Jesús es el Señor, de la Conferencia Episcopal Española.
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"La Misa dibujada para niños", con este misal podrás enseñar a los más pequeños de forma divertida cómo vivir mejor la Santa Misa.
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Nina's First Communion

Nina is a sick little girl who spends long hours in the hospital. But she is not alone: she soon makes many and varied friends who, like her, are preparing to make their First Communion. In her catechesis she will discover the beauty and grandeur of the Eucharist. In this story, the scholar of the language [...]
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Interactive Catechesis of Christian Initiation

Catequesis interactiva de iniciación cristiana para niños de 6 a 10 años. Basada en el catecismo “Jesús es el Señor”, editado por la Conferencia Episcopal Española. Diseñado para catequistas, familias y centros educativos. Disponible también en euskera.
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Start playing with Cateplay Online

Cateplay is a game for First Communion catechesis that completes our project of Christian initiation catechesis for children "Jesus is Lord". Using the CONTROL key on the keyboard and the + or - sign you can increase or decrease the size of the board. This version is designed for desktop and tablets, not for [...]
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Tips for living the Mass online (II): how to get more out of the Eucharistic celebration

Previously we spoke of the importance of preparing oneself, both inside and out, to participate in the Holy Mass, also during this time of confinement. Now, we give you some ideas and suggestions to get more out of each of the parts of the Eucharistic celebration. Opening Rites In 2014, the Pope recalled that [...]
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Tips for living the Mass online (I): prepare inside and out

Es necesario prepararse para todo lo que es importante. Te dejamos algunos consejos para prepararte por dentro y por fuera para vivir mejor la Misa.
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Mass in time of pandemic

A specific Mass to implore the end of the pandemic The Congregation for Divine Worship made the decision after receiving many requests to be able to celebrate a specific Mass to implore God for the end of the current pandemic. It adds an intention for universal prayer during the Liturgy of the Passion and a prayer to [...]
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Spiritual communion in times of coronavirus

What is a spiritual communion? When it is not possible to receive sacramental communion, it is always possible to receive the sacrament in a spiritual way. In the spiritual communion the effects were obtained in the vow, as a promise. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, it consists in making an act of faith about the presence of Jesus Christ in the [...]
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10 Eucharistic Miracles that highlight the value of the Eucharist

In every part of the world where Mass is celebrated and in every age, Jesus in the Sacrament has manifested himself in extraordinary ways. He has done so before the admiring eyes of believers, unbelievers and sacrilegious people, for the good of all souls. How? By means of the so-called Eucharistic miracles, which reveal the immense power of the Eucharist.
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