The Blog of Arguments

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[:en]AIDS 2018: with clear ideas[:]

[The problem of AIDS: ignorance and unawareness In the age of knowledge, the UN's biggest challenge in AIDS prevention is ignorance and unawareness, according to statements by UN Executive Director Michel Sidibé in The UN Message for World AIDS Day on the occasion of World AIDS Day [...]
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Woman who shouted: long live the Mother who raised you!!!!!

... a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you..." (Lk 11:27) I am very restless. My mother used to say that I was too quick-witted. I am not very shy and I say everything that comes to my mind. In general I don't give a damn what people think. A [...]
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Singing in dark times

">"> Incluso la noche más oscura terminará y el sol saldrá. -Víctor Hugo-    El inapropiado incidente entre las dos reinas, D.ª Letizia y D.ª Sofía, al salir de misa de Pascua de Resurrección, el pasado 1 de abril 2018, en la catedral de Palma de Mallorca, ha hecho correr ríos de tinta en forma de […]
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November 30: First day of the Novena to the Immaculate Conception

Today begins the Novena to the Immaculate Conception. From Arguments we propose a Novena to the Immaculate Conception based on the meditation of texts of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI. To begin, you can pray the prayer that Pope Francis prayed to the image of the Immaculate Conception in Rome on December 8, 2013; [...]
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November 30: St. Andrew the Apostle

Breve biografía de San Andrés San Andrés fue uno de los 12 apóstoles, de hecho es considerado el primero de ellos. Su nombre significa "valeroso", él era el hermano mayor de San Pedro. Murió martirizado, crucificado en una cruz en forma de "equis". Se le considera primer patriarca de Constantinopla y sus reliquias se encuentran […]
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Papa Francisco: "Uno lo está buscando, pero Él te busca primero"

Do you know what Pope Francis' vocation was like? He told it himself in a meeting with young people in Sardinia, on September 22, 2013. It is a normal and at the same time extraordinary story. That's how God is. He speaks to us in an emphatic way but through the ordinary events of life. And always respecting [...]
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3 vídeos sobre la castidad y el valor de la espera

¿Qué es eso de la castidad? ¡Pero si ya no se lleva...! ¿Estás seguro? Quizás lo que ocurre no es que no se lleve, sino que hemos olvidado su sentido.
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[:es]Is there a Masculine Genius[:][:en]Is there a Masculine Genius?

[Attention! From Sweden to the fathers of the world: There is a Male Genius! Intimacy and affection, the emotional bond is not something that belongs exclusively to women. Women by their nature innately have a quality that is more conducive to an intimate bond with others, a deep understanding of the other and a [...]
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November 27: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Highlights of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal November 27 is the feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. She is the intermediary to obtain the fulfillment of favors, especially the great and impossible ones. There are many saints who have turned to her intercession and obtained abundant graces through the Miraculous Medal. [...]
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What are the colors of the liturgy?

¿Por qué el sacerdote se viste con colores diferentes en misa? ¿Qué significan los colores litúrgicos y cuándo se usan?
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