The Blog of Arguments

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How to make a good confession: 5 steps and examination of conscience

Volver a empezar es posible, ¡dale al reset y confiésate! ¿Alguna vez te has sentido así? ¿Te gustaría volver a empezar? Pues dale al reset y confiésate; ¡sigue adelante con la ayuda de la gracia! ¿Qué es la confesión? La confesión es uno de los 7 sacramentos. También se le llama Sacramento de la Penitencia […]
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Where and how is God present in the world?

Is God with us? Is He present in our lives? How does He make Himself present? We have asked these and similar questions many times. It is difficult to be absolutely certain that Someone whom you do not see is really present and operative, and many times, more so than any person we are seeing with our eyes. [...]
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[:en]10 keys to educate in nonviolence[:]

[Behind every act of violence there is a story. We parents can be sowers of peace and also sowers of hatred and resentment of any kind, cultural, religious, sexual, etc. The education of children is key to prevent violence, educating character is an art that is not achieved with caresses, nor is it possible to [...]
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[Saving a life is saving a universe[:].

[:es] La fe en la humanidad “Salvar una vida es salvar un universo” es la frase del Talmud que simboliza la fe en la humanidad e inspira el monumento del Parque de los Justos de Jerusalén.  ">">Justos entre las naciones es la memoria de honor y agradecimiento del pueblo judío a aquellos hombres y mujeres […]
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[:en]Toxic masculinity, a saturating debate[:]

[stereotypes in advertising Once again, advertising is leading the debate on negative male stereotypes, and in favor of the feminism that is strongly rooted in society. In this case it is Gillette who joins the feminism movement against the new concept of Toxic Masculinity generated by [...]
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WYD Panama (I): The Pope has already arrived

Pope Francis arrived yesterday, January 23, in Panama to meet with young people on the occasion of World Youth Day 2019, which is being held in the Central American country this year. Before leaving, he asked for prayers for the fruits of WYD and went to the Basilica of Santa Maria la [...]
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Friar Ignatius and Friar Edward: millennials and Benedictine monks

Being a Benedictine monk and millennial is not incompatible Every vocation is a gift from God and also a true miracle. And even more so today, when it seems that God has no place, that he gets in the way. However, despite the determination with which some try to corner and silence Him, He continues to call, and there are those who [...]
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Top priority

">"> La generosidad no consiste en dar mucho, sino en dar a tiempo. -Jean de La Bruyère-  Mary Kay Ash (Texas, 1918-2001) fue una empresaria que fundó Mary Kay Cosmetics, y es la protagonista de una de las historias del éxito más llamativas de nuestra época.  En 1963, Ahs y su hijo Richard Rogers, fundaron […]
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[Free or submissive?

[Let's build with intelligence "Let's think in equality, let's build with intelligence, let's innovate for change" is the theme chosen by UNWOMEN for International Women's Day 2019. According to the UN, the 21st century will be the century of inclusion and equality for women. The goal for 2019 [...]
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The liturgical year and Ordinary Time in the Christian's life

What is the liturgical year? The liturgical year celebrates the saving work of Christ in time, but it is also an expression of the Church's response of conversion and faith. It is a matter of making present the mystery of Christ in the time of men and women in order to reproduce it in their lives, to [...]
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