The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

But that's over"> Sólo Dios es el fundamento de todos los valores. Él da sentido definitivo a nuestra existencia humana. -Juan Pablo II-           Se lo oí contar al humorista catalán, Eugenio. Un borracho va por la calle y se cruza con una joven muy mona; el borracho intentando provocarla le dice: - ¡Fea! -Y tú borracho, […]
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Where do the remains of the Apostles rest?

On July 25, we celebrated the feast of St. James the Apostle. Since the Middle Ages, millions of pilgrims have traveled the old continent to pray before his remains. Likewise, the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome soon became a major focus of pilgrimages. However, what more do we know about [...]
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The rusty knife

">"> En cuanto a mí, estoy en busca de la excelencia. No tengo tiempo para envejecer. -Will Eisner- Leonardo Da Vinci, en sus Cuadernos de notas, nos cuenta la historia de una navaja de barbero. Un día la navaja, saliendo del mango que le servía de funda, se puso al sol y vio al sol […]
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What did the Pope say in Paraguay?

">">Terminamos nuestra serie de entradas sobre las palabras del papa Francisco en su viaje por Latinoamérica: después de repasar lo que nos dijo en Ecuador y Bolivia, ahora veamos qué mensaje nos dejó el papa en Paraguay. Esperamos  que estos fragmentos te hayan servido para unirte a las intenciones del sucesor de Pedro. 1. Un pueblo […]
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The sacrament of forgiveness: doing like the prodigal son

The Christian aspires to become more and more like his gracious model, Christ, "who has shared our human condition in everything but sin" (Eucharistic Prayer IV). To this end, the Lord Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Penance, in order to forgive all the sins that a Christian may have committed after Baptism and [...]
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What did the Pope say in Bolivia?

We continue our series of posts in which we collect some excerpts from the speeches of Francis during his trip to Latin America. We remind you that you can use these paragraphs to draw closer to God and pray for the fruits of the Holy Father's trip. Without further ado, here is what the pope said in Bolivia [...]
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What did the Pope say in Ecuador?

">"> Ya casi termina el viaje del papa en Ecuador, Bolivia y Paraguay y con esta entrada empezamos una serie de tres posts en los que recogeremos los mensajes que consideramos más importantes de esta vista de Francisco a América Latina. Son extractos de los discursos del Santo Padre en cada país: en esta entrada, […]
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Working mothers

  This is how @malasmadres launched today its initiative for the #Concilia13F and we loved it! We and all of Twitter; since in just 3 hours more than 800 tweets have been published and have managed to be Trending Topic in Spain. The Club de Malas Madres was born from the initiative of a group of women who [...]
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I would drink that coffee

">é-e1436526130222.jpg"> La ironía es la unión de verdades contradictorias para crear una nueva verdad sonriendo o riendo. -Jane Austen-  Durante uno de los discursos de Churchill en el Parlamento, una diputada de la oposición pidió la palabra. Todos sabía que a Churchill no le gustaba que interrumpiesen sus discursos. Pero, no obstante, la palabra le fue dada […]
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50 books for summer (and beyond)

The Bishop of San Sebastian, Jose Ignacio Munilla, recommended a list of books for last summer. We leave it again, so that you can choose the text with which you want to get closer to God during these days. The books are organized by categories and we have added a few more in addition to the ones he suggested.
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