Why NOT having sex can be good for you

19/06/2013 | By Arguments

Communicating faith

good intention

media outlets



A few months ago we published a Steven Crowder column on Fox's rather controversial website that was titled "Waiting until the wedding night?" This same author once addressed abstinence, when he had not yet married and had not yet had sex. The original is. "Why NOT having sex might be good for you".. Here is the translation by Hernando Bello. Sex. Some of us do it, most of us like it and we all think about it.... A lot. I know I do it (I was told it was normal). Having sex is no longer the taboo subject it once was. Whereas "once upon a time" this topic of conversation was relegated to whispers behind doors, today it is discussed openly and without shame. I, as a comedian, have seen charlatans perform the most depraved and explicit sexual acts they can think of, just to get a laugh from the audience. Clearly telling dirty jokes is no longer as "dark" as it used to be. Although unbelievable, but true, today there is still one part of the topic "sex" that when discussed, makes people frown with discomfort: abstinence. Abstinence has become something of an issue in this country. From the idea of abstinence-only education, to the media's constant (and mocking) portrayal of young, "geeky," tactless, chastity-practicing Christian youths, the message about abstinence that has permeated popular culture is clear: if you abstain, it's because a) you're ugly or b) you're a fool. In my case, it used to be both. Maybe it's just because of the absence of the giggle factor, maybe it's because prostitution started being used as a foothold for women's liberation, but if you suggest to anyone, at best, that abstinence can be beneficial, you're going to be insulted and branded a fundamentalist faster than Bill Maher can raise his dainty hands. Sure: Michelle Obama can travel around the country and condemn little fatties for swallowing desserts and candy, but if you apply that same method to sex, you're seen as annoying and prudish. Look, one doesn't need to be religious (nor scientific) to see the value of abstinence. Let's ignore that it eliminates the immediate risk of sexual disease transmission. Let's also disregard the statistics that show that having sex only within marriage is a spectacular route to a successful marriage. Abstinence ensures an unparalleled bond of trust in a relationship. Yes, I admit it: I'm in a long-term relationship and I abstain. Scandalous, I know. It's hard and unbelievable to do (more so for me, because she's so beautiful), but that makes it important. I can say without a doubt that my girl is able to control herself and stick to her values, no matter the circumstances, as she can say the same about me. The tangible example of living my principles along life's journey is what assures her that I won't jump at the first voluptuous opportunity that comes my way. By the same token, I can know with peace of mind that she won't try to get laid, even if she has great skills, like those on the Jersey Shore. The result is a strong trust. Constantly, we hear the whining of women about their supposedly jealous boyfriends. "What's the big deal, don't you trust me?". No, you don't. You slept with him on your first date and there's no reason for him to think you wouldn't do the same when a better offer comes along. But what do I know? I'm a retarded young man in love, who hasn't had sex. You could try it sometime.... I'm not here to judge, though.

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