20 inspirational phrases for the International Day of Peace

21/09/2018 | By Arguments

Peace Day

International Day of Peace

Pope's speeches on peace

Day of Peace

pope benedict xvi

Pope Francis



The International Day of Peace is celebrated every September 21.

Peace is one of the recurring themes in Pope Francis' speeches. For this reason, we wanted to join Arguments to the commemoration of the International Day of Peace (promoted by the General Assembly of the United Nations) y recopilar en 20 frases inspiradoras algunas palabras que ha pronunciado el Papa en sus discursos, así como algunas frases de santos de la Iglesia Católica como Santa Teresa de Calcuta o San Francisco de Asís sobre la paz. https://twitter.com/i/moments/966355421807169537 Además, por si quieres profundizar en los textos del Papa Francisco sobre la paz te dejamos los últimos cinco mensajes del Papa con motivo de la Jornada Mundial de la Paz, que celebra la Iglesia cada 1 de enero. 51st Day of Peace 2018: Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace 50th World Day of Peace 2017: "Nonviolence: a style of politics for peace". 49th World Day of Peace 2016: Overcome Indifference and Conquer Peace 48th World Day of Peace 2015: Not Slaves but Brothers and Sisters 47th World Day of Peace 2014: Fraternity, the foundation and path to peace

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