May 4: Star Wars Day

04/05/2020 | By Arguments

May 4






dark side


May the force be with you

May strength be with you

Star Wars

Christian life

Today we celebrate the #StarWarsDay. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some keys to avoid being dragged to the dark side and to fill the world with light.

13 teachings from Star Wars that we can apply to the Christian life:

1. When the strength does not accompany you or starts to weaken...

Recuerda caballero Jedi: la Confesión (y los actos de contrición cuando no se puede recibir el sacramento como ahora por el confinamiento) ¡lo arreglan y solucionan TODO! 

2. The force is to the jedi what grace is to the Christian.

And what is the source of grace? The sacraments.

3. "Do it or don't do it, but don't try it.", Yoda

That has to be our attitude in the fight, in the face of temptation, we have to fight with determination, we cannot go halfway, because then the dark side (laziness, sensuality, vanity, pride, envy...) will end up seducing us to the dark side.

4. "May strength be with you", Obi Wan Kenobi

That is to say, goodbye (that is, go with God). Don't forget that you are his child, that God always goes with you. Take God's love with you wherever you go.

5. "Obi Wan Kenobi, eres mi única esperanza"Princess Leia

Christians have Our Lady, when all seems lost, invoke Mary.

Nuestra arma poderosa, nuestra espada láser, es la oración del rosario. And since we're in majo mode, here are 8 tips to pray without getting distracted (and a bonus in case you get distracted)  ).

6. "If you knew the power of the Dark Side.....", Dar Vader

The devil always tempts us like this, he tries to deceive us into thinking that we will be happier if we turn our backs on God. And when we listen to him and sin, we realize once again that this is not so; that sin only leads to sadness and inner emptiness.

7. "They defeat us by making us think we are alone", Poe Dameron

La Esperanza es una de las tres virtudes teologales por algo. Basta que pensemos que algo es imposible para que ni siquiera lo intentemos; total, ¿para qué malgastar fuerzas en algo que no voy a conseguir? El desánimo nos paraliza. El catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that "hope is the theological virtue by which we aspire to the Kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in the promises of Christ and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1817).

In other words, we trust that God is faithful to his Word; that we can attain holiness if we allow God to work in our souls. In other words: "If God is with me, who can be against me"(Romans 8:31). We must always add God in our battalion.

Y además, gracias a la Comunión de los Santos, nos llega la oración de mucha gente... Así que, ¡solos, nunca!

Focus on the moment.", Yoda

The past is gone, and we don't know if the future will come. The only thing we have is the present time to love. Many times we get tired just thinking or imagining things that may not even happen, and for which we do not have the grace of God to face them yet. Because the grace of God acts in the present, in the today and now. So!carpe diem!

9. "You always with your `it can't be done'!" "Impossible nothing is. Difficult, many things are.", Yoda 

Dios no nos pide imposibles; nos pide solo aquello que podemos darle, y de lo demás, se encarga Él. Solo tenemos que pedírselo con confianza. So, are you worried about something? Do you think you can't? ¡REZA!

10. "Fear of loss a path to the dark side is," Yoda

How many times we are afraid that God will ask us for something that we don't want to give Him, and we turn away from Him...! How many times we cling to things, plans, people... thinking that this gives us the happinessHow often we forget that only God is able to fill our hearts completely, and that with Him we need not fear anything!

11. "Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them"Obi Wan Kenobi

A veces vemos la realidad solo en dos dimensiones, plana, pegada al suelo;  y se nos olvida la más importante: la altura, la mirada desde la fe, que nos da perspectiva y volumen. Para ver las cosas así, con visión sobrenatural, hace falta rezar; hablar con el Señor de lo que llevamos en el corazón y preguntarle, ¿y Tú, cómo lo ves; qué piensas de esto; qué hago?

¿No sabes cómo rezar? Abre el Evangelio y deja que el Espíritu Santo haga el resto...  Here are a few examples to get you started.

12. Hate destroys, only love creates

And what is the guide to avoid falling into the dark side and to let ourselves be guided by the light? The Commandments!

13. "Yo tampoco creía en eso de la fuerza, hasta que la experimenté", Finn

Faith is an undeserved gift from God. But once we have received it, we can take care of it and strengthen it. How? By making acts of faith; by studying and deepening the truths we believe; and of course, by asking the Lord to increase it. That is why formation is important. The faith es un don inmerecido de Dios. Pero una vez recibida, podemos cuidarla y fortalecerla. ¿Cómo? Haciendo actos de fe profundizando en las verdades que creemos y por supuesto, viviéndola. Por eso es importante seguir formándonos:

"May the force be with you, Jedi knight."

Nos vemos peleando contra el lado oscuro.

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