
50 questions about faith

50 questions about Jesus
We present here the answers that some Theology professors offer to 50 questions about Jesus. These same questions and answers can be found in the book:

Language: SPANISH
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9788432135958
Nº Edition:1st
Year of issue:2006
Place of issue: MADRID

The book can be purchased from EUNSA.
Authors: Jorge Miras and Tomás Trigo (eds)
ISBN: 9788431329099
Year: 2013 / Pages: 180 / Price incl. VAT: 10 €.
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1.Believe, like love, is a word with many meanings. What does it mean to believe in God?


2.Can the existence of God be demonstrated? How can I know that God is real? If I can arrive at God's existence through reason, why do I need faith?


3.Is it not true that faith is a personal and respectable option in the face of life, but that it is not rational, but is related above all to one's religious feelings?


4.Can I get faith on my own, or can I only have it if God gives it to me? If it can only be attained in this way, why does God give it to some and not to others?


5.Doesn't faith distort the way of seeing reality and can't it turn a person into a fanatic and even violent?


6.Is the faith practiced by Christians today the same faith practiced by the early Christians?


7.What reliability does the Creed have if it is the fruit of councils, which are, after all, meetings of men?


8.Can faith be lost? And if it is lost, how can it be regained?


9.Isn't the Bible a very primitive book? Its accounts of creation and sin are simply unbelievable.


10.Doesn't it give the impression that the God we Christians believe in is very different from the God presented in the Old Testament?


11.Don't you think that over the centuries the Church has been losing strength by passing on something that believers did not witness?


12.Why and for what purpose has God created us?


13.Why didn't God give us all the opportunity to be born without original sin, like Adam and Eve? After all, if they messed up, it's not our fault.


14.Does the universe need an explanation outside itself if it already has its physical laws that even allow us to think of "self-creation"?


15.Hasn't the notion of the soul become obsolete? Why does Christianity affirm that there is something more than matter and physiological processes in the human being, despite the impressive discoveries of medicine? Why insist on acting as if there really is something left of the person, besides memory, after death?


16.How do the theory of evolution and the doctrine of creation fit together?


17.How are the relations between faith and science today?


18.Isn't it polytheism to believe in the Trinity? What exactly is the Trinity and how do we know it exists?


19.Is it possible to believe in God and not in Jesus Christ? What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ?


20.Why did God become man and die on a cross? The Church says to save us. But what do we have to be saved from?


21.Isn't it enough to believe that God exists and to act well? Why have a religion, why complicate yourself with the obligation to comply with its rites and ceremonies?


22.Is God the same in all religions?


23.Many of the people I know are Catholic simply because their parents put that in their heads from an early age.


24.How does the faith of a Catholic differ from that of a Protestant?


25.Why does the Church not admit freedom and pluralism in matters of faith among Catholics?


26.Is he who believes happier?


27.How does believing in God affect everyday life? Because there are people who believe in God and do not behave well; others, on the other hand, do good and do not believe in God?


28.If I believe in God, then I have to do what He commands me. Doesn't faith limit my freedom?


29.How are we sure that the Church's teaching about what God wants us to do is right? It doesn't seem so clear to many of us that everything the priests say is wrong is wrong?


30.Some thinkers have said that God and eternal life are an invention of human beings to console themselves in this absurd and unjust life. An invention that also leads believers to disengage from the problems of this world thinking about the paradise of the hereafter. What is true in all this?


31.Can faith solve economic problems, poverty, hunger? Wouldn't it be better to give less importance to faith and more importance to action?


32.Is only he who believes saved? There are people who say: "faith will save me". Is salvation a matter of faith?


33.Can people who do not know Christ or the Church be saved? In that case, why is faith important, if it is not necessary for salvation?


34.Why baptize children?


35.What would you say to a person who claims to believe in God but does not believe in the Church?


36.What does it mean to "believe in the Church"? How do I know that the Catholic Church is the true Church? Is it possible to believe in the Church when we see so many priests who do not set an example of good people?


37.Is it not a mistake to say that the Pope is the head of the Church? Is not Christ the head?


38.How can we understand the passage in the Bible that says something like: "faith without works is dead"? Is it not true that faith is an intimate, inner thing of each person, regardless of whether or not he or she acts outwardly in the same way as other people, whether or not they have faith?


39.Why should I pray to God if He knows my needs? Besides, how can I be sure that God hears me and, above all, that God speaks to me? I never hear anything.


40.Why does it seem so important to the Church that you have to go to Mass every Sunday? Isn't it a rigid, formalistic approach, to have to go just to comply, even if you don't feel the need? For me faith has more to do with what I think or feel in my intimacy, not so much with obligations and prohibitions.


41. priest if only God can forgive sins?


42.Does God really forgive all the time? Does He totally forget everything? What does that really mean? And how can I make amends or repent if I am not sorry?


43.How can I live the faith when my friends do not live it, and I fear that they will think badly of me or reject me?


44.What does it mean to believe in the "communion of saints"?


45.What is the difference between faith and superstition? Is it not superstition to use objects or things such as holy water? Does having faith imply believing in images, relics, etc.?


46.If God is good, why do so many bad and painful things happen? Why does He allow diseases, wars, suffering children, natural disasters...?


47.Does a person, after death, pass into another body, human or animal (i.e., reincarnate)?


48.What does the Church mean by "I believe in the resurrection of the body and in eternal life"? Is the heaven thing really meant, or is it symbolic?


49.Is there such a thing as purgatory and how exactly is it explained?


50.If, as the Church teaches, God is good and creates nothing evil, and before creation there was nothing, where does hell come from?


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