The Blog of Arguments

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Cristianos y no cristianos deseamos ser mejores en Navidad

¿Quién es Fernando García Navarro? Fernando García Navarro es Director de Innovaetica (Instituto de Estudios para la Ética y RSC) y Vicepresidente de la Fundación norteamericana Inspiring Committed Leaders Foundation (ICLF).  En esta ocasión conversa con Miriam Lafuente y responde a las preguntas que tal vez nos hacemos todas en estas fechas en que nos bombardean […]
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¿Qué puedo hacer contra la violencia sexual?

Pero... ¡si yo no puedo hacer nada! "¿Qué puedo hacer yo?" es el aguijón permanente que nos lleva tantas veces a apagar el telediario al escuchar las voces de mujeres que lloran, gritan de rabia o de miedo, y nos inundan de angustia desde la pantalla. Muchas veces es tal la impotencia del "¿y qué […]
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[:es]I hope that the fear of not being enough will not be enough for you[:].

[The greatest enemy in many women's lives is often the fears they carry inside. Sofía M. has written a fascinating text contrasting the fears of the child with those of the adult woman. While in childhood those who accompany us easily dissipate those fears, when we are [...]
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3 steps to a clean heart[:] [:en]3 steps to a clean heart[:]

[One of the greatest challenges for Christians in the 21st century will be to maintain a clean heart. But why is it so important, and how can I improve? We know that alone we cannot, we are fragile, so often we struggle and get discouraged, yet it is simpler than it seems. In the [...]
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El reto de educar con humor

Luis Gutiérrez Rojas: esposo, padre, psiquiatra y un hombre con un gran sentido del humor Ése es Luis Gutiérrez Rojas. Para cualquier hombre moderno, estar casado, tener seis hijos y un trabajo exigente puede ser equivalente a estar loco. En este caso, entrevistamos a un experto en locura y cordura: Luis Gutiérrez Rojas; médico psiquiatra […]
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[:en]Catim, a relief for invisible women [:]

[The homeless woman is much more exposed to all kinds of violence than a man. In the street, the homeless woman is "invisible" and a victim of all kinds of humiliations. How often we are blind to the fragility of immigrants. The fragility of those who have been left in the void of a reality [...]
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[:es]Fútbol y libertad: ''Yo no quiero ser un chico, quiero ser tan libre como ellos''[:]

[A month ago, on October 10, news broke that Iranian women would finally be allowed to enter their country's soccer stadiums to watch a live match. Finally? Apparently, Iranian women had been banned from entering the matches for the last [...]
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[:en]Is masculinity a blessing or is it as toxic as we are told it is?

[The current times echo a so-called toxic masculinity, a masculinity in crisis. The successive feminist and Me Too movements are putting men on the ropes and demanding change. But do we really know where masculinity lies; is it necessary to develop it in the right direction?
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[:en]One year of Sin Miedo a la Mujer in 10 entries [:]

[A year of unbeatable adventure We have completed a year of adventure: reading, dialoguing, reflecting and writing about men and women. Rightly or wrongly, we have studied, consulted and debated looking for answers and arguments to some current questions of identity in masculine and feminine. We started from a -I am NOT satisfied with the culture [...]
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[:en]Art in feminine: Beatriz Elorza, emotions on canvas[:]

[Beatriz Elorza's story Beatriz Elorza's story suggests freedom, confidence, security, sensitivity and femininity. Traits of an authentic personality, the result of the courage to face a crisis without fear, leaving the comfort zone to find herself. The story ends in professional prestige at an international level and [...]
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