The Blog of Arguments

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We await in watchful waiting: Advent

In many parts of the world, with the arrival of cold weather and the end of the school calendar, the so-called Christmas spirit is awakened. The liturgical year calls Advent this time of preparation for the Solemnity of December 25. It is not an anxious or morose expectation: the pedagogy [...]
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Living Ordinary Time

What is time? Time is, together with space, one of the coordinates in which human being and acting are inscribed, but it is also a richness that makes it bearer of other meanings, according to personal, social or religious experience. At the purely cosmic level, time is inexorable and passes equally for [...]
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Holy Week: what did Jesus do, according to the Gospels?

¿Qué se celebra en Santa Santa? ¿Cuál es su significado? Presentamos una sencilla reconstrucción, un resumen corto de la Semana Santa, a partir de los textos del Evangelio para entender cómo vivió Jesús cada uno de los días de la Semana Santa.
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Palm Sunday: history and liturgical piety

As is evident from the Gospels, on Palm Sunday, Jesus solemnly entered Jerusalem. He was received with enthusiasm by the people, witnesses of so many miracles that He had worked on their behalf. This ignited the anger of the scribes and Pharisees against Jesus. Jesus spent the whole of Sunday in the city, and in the evening he left [...].
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Lent App downloaded in 90 countries

Usuarios de más de 90 países se han descargado la aplicación móvil gratuita “Cuaresma-Pascua 2015", que el Arzobispado de Valencia lanzó el pasado mes de febrero y que reseñamos hace un par de semanas. Actualmente, la App Cuaresma,  que está disponible para Android e IOS, registra 32.190 descargas, y ha sido utilizada hoy en más de 115.700 ocasiones por los […]
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Lent: 8 basic questions

What is Lent? Lent is a time of personal and communal improvement. It is an opportunity for the believer to refocus his relationship with the Lord. Above all, it is a time of grace that God grants. It is about preparing oneself with devotion and generosity for forty days to celebrate the Week of [...]
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Lent is the path to Easter and the Resurrection.

We are now fully in the Lenten season, the "favorable time for ascending the holy mountain of Easter," in the words of the Ceremonial of Bishops (n. 249). Thus the Lenten liturgy places at its center the Passover of Christ, the most important feast of the year. It was already established in the [...]
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Lent-Easter 2015 an app to live this liturgical season

How can we live Lent? Can we use new technologies to pray during this liturgical season? The Archdiocese of Valencia has opted for an application for cell phones, tablets and computers for Lent. This application, available for Android, Apple and computers, contains material to prepare and live with intensity both Lent and Easter. Periods [...]
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3 tips from the pope for Lent

El desafío de una globalización de la indiferencia ">"> Hace unas tres semanas se hizo público el mensaje del papa Francisco para la Cuaresma de este año, que comienza el próximo miércoles. Este año el papa ha querido llamarnos la atención sobre el desafío de la globalización de la indiferencia: la generalización de la actitud […]
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Virtual visit to the Holy Sepulcher

">"> Sí, los franciscanos son geniales. No solo se han hecho cargo de la custodia de los santos lugares desde el siglo XIV, dejándose la vida en ellos, sino que ahora nos brindan la posibilidad de realizar una visita virtual al Santo Sepulcro. Un gran ejemplo de cómo aprovechar las posibilidades de las nuevas tecnologías […]
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