The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

10 prayers for peace

What does the Church say about peace? The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the person is the foundation of society. This is the foundation of all the principles of our social doctrine. The Church always calls us to do all we can to avoid [...]
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8 lessons learned from the coronavirus, by Víktor Küppers

The two most important words for Viktor Küppers are passion and enthusiasm. He is a trainer by vocation, as well as the author of the books "The Attitude Effect" and "Living a Meaningful Life". And he tries to put into practice every day the words of Maria Teresa of Calcutta: "May no one ever come to you without being [...]
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Meditation of Pope Francis at the Extraordinary Blessing Urbi et Orbi to ask for an end to the pandemic of COVID-19

A time of adoration and extraordinary Urbi et Orbi Blessing to pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic The Pope wanted to gather all of us to pray before the Lord to ask for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then to impart the Urbi et Orbi Blessing, with the possibility of gaining a plenary indulgence. [...]
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7 shrines of Our Lady where to go to pray without leaving home (and a bonus gift) 😜.

There are many of us who are confined at home, unable to go out, because of the advance of COVID-19. Perhaps now you may have more difficulty in praying: because at home you are more distracted, you do not have Jesus in the Tabernacle and it is more difficult to remain in the Presence of God. Have you tried to go out with your imagination [...]?
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Prayer: Monologue or conversation with God?

''Dejé de rezar cuando me di cuenta que estaba hablando conmigo misma'' Recientemente veía una entrevista a un cargo público español, en la que el entrevistador le pregunta por su infancia en un tono cómico, como es habitual en este programa. Tras comentar que había ido a un Colegio de monjas, el entrevistador le pregunta: […]
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The meaning of adoration explained by Pope Francis in 8 ideas

What is worship? Adoration of God is one of the four acts proper to the virtue of religion. To adore responds to a search of man; but above all to an initiative of God who searches for man. God opens his intimacy to man and shows him the right way to reach him. When the [...]
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The Way of the Cross

El Via Crucis es una de las prácticas piadosas más habituales durante los viernes de Cuaresma. Viernes Santo no podía ser menos. Lo que celebra la liturgia se extiende con el rezo del Via Crucis.
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7 ideas for praying every day if you are Catholic and very busy

Rezar no siempre es fácil. Aunque lo intentes, quizá te cuesta encontrar el tiempo para hacerlo. Te sugerimos 7 momentos para encontrar a Dios en tu día a día.
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God Wants You Happy, the latest book by José Ignacio Munilla

Dios te quiere feliz, el fruto de una intensa actividad Dios te ha creado y te quiere... feliz. Es la experiencia personal de José Ignacio Munilla y así nos la cuenta en este libro fruto de su intensa actividad pastoral como invitado a tantas conferencias, sesiones y charlas. Muchas instituciones y movimientos de la Iglesia […]
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Neither night nor day

El libro ''Ni de noche ni de día'' es un álbum infantil que mediante tiernas ilustraciones y textos pensados especialmente para los más pequeños de la casa, nos acerca la figura de nuestro ángel custodio. La simpatía y la emotividad logran transmitir la importancia que el ángel custodio tiene en nuestra vida, con gran sencillez. […]
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