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La intuición de María (II) - Carta de la novia de las Bodas de Caná

Querido Lucas: Vaya cuento que tiene mi marido. Es un poeta pero no sabe hacer la «O» con un canuto. Quizá esa sencillez me hace quererle más. Voy a ir al grano. Yo soy un poco más práctica. María no es que sea rápida, es que es la velocidad de la luz. Aún no han […]
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¿Qué relación hay entre Juan Pablo II y la Virgen de Fátima?

El 13 de mayo, Juan Pablo II y la Virgen de Fátima: ¿Conoces la relación entre Juan Pablo II y la Virgen de Fátima? ¿Fue casualidad que el atentado fuera una 13 de mayo? ¿Es verdad que la Virgen desvió la bala para que no muriera el Santo Padre? Son muchas las preguntas abiertas, y […]
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La intuición de María (I) - Carta del novio de las Bodas de Caná

Querido Lucas: Me dice mi mujer que te escriba ya, que no lo deje para más adelante. Tiene toda la razón. Yo no tengo nada que objetar. No se me ocurre hacerlo casi nunca y cuando lo hago siempre vuelvo a hacer el propósito de no repetir la experiencia. Me pides que te hable de […]
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Los pies de María - Carta de Marta de Betania

Hi Lucas: My sister Maria told me that you had written to us. Actually, she is the one who can best explain everything to you. I was always a little envious of the way she treated Jesus and his mother. With time, however, I have come to understand that they loved me more. [...]
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La memoria de María - Carta de María de Betania

Dearest Lucas: How are you? What's up with your life? Long time no hear from you! I was thrilled to receive your letter and especially what you said about Maria, my namesake. I miss her so much. This was her home and she came here whenever she wanted. Here was her family and her home. She felt [...]
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La imaginación de María - Carta de María Magdalena

Dear Lucas, I am so glad you asked me to tell you what Maria is like. The most important thing of all is that she is my best friend. I would say even more, she is my mother, my sister and my queen. When I met her I was far, far away from God. I had no idea what [...]
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Las lágrimas de María - Carta de Pedro

Dearest Luke, what a joy it was to receive your letter asking me to tell you about my memories of Mary, the mother of Jesus! I am delighted to do so, even though I know that my words will not be able to explain to you what I felt when I saw her and was with her. Even today, it is enough for me to close my eyes and think of [...]
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Letters to St. Luke on the Virgin Mary

Introduction and warning to the reader: "Letters to St. Luke" is the title of a booklet totally invented by its author. It is pure imagined recreation. These letters were written to help to dream and to pray. But it is not a hypothesis or a possible version of the facts. The author has imagined what they would say [...].
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Guadalupe: the image that God paints of his Mother

La Virgen de Guadalupe: 1) Historia de las apariciones: ">">Según la tradición, la Virgen María se apareció en cuatro ocasiones a un indígena, san Juan Diego, al que pidió que dijera al obispo que construyera un templo en su honor. Este templo se convirtió posteriormente en la Basílica de Guadalupe. Es el segundo lugar más […]
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Contemplating the Mysteries of the Rosary through Art

October, month of the Rosary Why October and not another month? The history of the Rosary dates back to the 12th century. It was the Virgin herself who appeared to St. Dominic de Guzman and taught him to pray it. However, it was not until the Middle Ages that this devotion spread. The Christians, aware [...]
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