The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

9 ideas for praying to Our Lady during the month of May

El mes de mayo es el mes de la Virgen María para los católicos. En este mes la Iglesia desea honrar de modo especial a la Virgen. Te sugerimos 9 ideas para rezar y querer más a María.
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9 ideas to love Our Lady more

Quizás no es la primera vez que te propones querer mejor a la Virgen. Te sugerimos 9 ideas para tratar y querer más a María.
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A worldwide rosary to pray for peace

"Mater Fatima", a worldwide invitation to pray a rosary for peace "Mater Fatima" is an initiative promoted by Father Hector Ramirez that encourages the whole world to join in praying the rosary to pray for peace. The Virgin Mary, 101 years ago, appeared in the Cova da Iria and asked us to [...]
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8 things you might not know about the apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes

When is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes celebrated? The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is celebrated on February 11. 2. Where did Our Lady of Lourdes appear? Lourdes, is a French city located in the plains of Bigorre, southeast of the department of Hautes-Pyrénées, in the Midi-Pyrénées region, [...]
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A special request from the Pope for the young people at WYD

Since the beginning of his Pontificate, Pope Francis has always shown great affection for the Virgin Mary. Every time he begins a trip, he goes to the Basilica of St. Mary Major to place himself in the hands of Our Lady and pray for the journey he is about to begin. When he returned to Rome, he [...]
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7 criticisms of the recitation of the Rosary (and the responses of St. John Paul II)

John Paul II and his devotion to the Rosary Pope St. John Paul II is one of the most relevant popes when it comes to praying the Rosary in the 21st century. It was he who in 2002 wrote the encyclical Rosarium Virginis Mariae, in which he reproposes to the society of the new millennium that [...]
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Contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary of St. John XXIII

Below we publish the contemplation of the mysteries of the Rosary of St. John XXIII. We illustrate each one of the mysteries with the corresponding picture that we have published in the Rosary through Art. Each one of them is linked to the explanation of the corresponding picture. St. John XXIII published in 1961 this contemplation of the [...]
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5 ideas of St. John XXIII on the Rosary

St. John XXIII and the Rosary Of the 8 encyclicals that St. John XXIII published during his pontificate, one of them was dedicated to the prayer of the holy rosary: Grata Recordatio. In this brief encyclical published in September 1959, St. John XXIII invites us to pray the rosary to pray for peace and the missions, as well as [...]
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8 Tips for praying the rosary without getting distracted (and a bonus if you get distracted)

8 Trucos para rezar el rosario sin distraerse (y un bonus por si te distraes).
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Pope Francis invites everyone to pray the Rosary for the Church

Francisco nos pide rezar el Rosario y acudir a San Miguel para que protejan la Iglesia: Transcribimos el comunicado de la Oficina de Prensa de la Santa Sede del pasado 29 de septiembre: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- El Santo Padre ha decidido invitar a todos los fieles, de todo el mundo, a rezar cada día el Santo Rosario, […]
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