The Blog of Arguments

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God Wants You Happy, the latest book by José Ignacio Munilla

Dios te quiere feliz, el fruto de una intensa actividad Dios te ha creado y te quiere... feliz. Es la experiencia personal de José Ignacio Munilla y así nos la cuenta en este libro fruto de su intensa actividad pastoral como invitado a tantas conferencias, sesiones y charlas. Muchas instituciones y movimientos de la Iglesia […]
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7 prayers to St. Joseph that you may not have known about

7 prayers to St. Joseph to ask him for different needs St. Joseph is considered the patron saint of the Universal Church, of vocations and of the good death; protector of the family and of the Church in the face of the tribulations that plague her. There are many Saints who have turned to his intercession and who have extended [...]
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Neither night nor day

El libro ''Ni de noche ni de día'' es un álbum infantil que mediante tiernas ilustraciones y textos pensados especialmente para los más pequeños de la casa, nos acerca la figura de nuestro ángel custodio. La simpatía y la emotividad logran transmitir la importancia que el ángel custodio tiene en nuestra vida, con gran sencillez. […]
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Prayer for victims of sexual abuse

Next Thursday, February 21, the meeting on sexual abuse will begin at the Vatican, with the participation of the Presidents of the Bishops' Conferences from around the world, convened by Pope Francis. To accompany Pope Francis in his struggle to eliminate sexual abuse from the Church, we propose this prayer, so that he may [...]
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Praying with the body

Is it possible to pray with the body? Praying may seem to be something only for the soul, but it is not. The whole man prays, body and soul united. When I elevate my soul to God, when I enter into a loving dialogue with my Father God, I am not only exercising my spiritual part. My body has something to say. It has [...]
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Where and how is God present in the world?

Is God with us? Is He present in our lives? How does He make Himself present? We have asked these and similar questions many times. It is difficult to be absolutely certain that Someone whom you do not see is really present and operative, and many times, more so than any person we are seeing with our eyes. [...]
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8 ideas to carry out your resolutions this academic year

How to make your resolutions become a reality: With the beginning of the school year, come the unrealistic resolutions that we all write down with great excitement at the end of the vacations, but then we never get to do. To prevent the same thing from happening to you, here are 8 ideas to make them happen with ease. Ready? Let's get started! [...]
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Pope Francis' sleeping St. Joseph

The sleeping St. Joseph of Pope Francis Today we want to tell you about a precious devotion that Francis has. He told it in January 2015, when he was received by thousands of families at the Mall of Asia Arena Sports Palace in Manila. The Pope spoke to them about the image of St. Joseph asleep that he keeps in his room [...]
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Saints are wanted, are you one of them?

Se buscan santos de copas, ¿eres uno de ellos?: Pero, ¿quiénes son los Santos de copas?: ''Con santos de copas queremos referirnos al cristiano por el que el mundo clama: Cristianos que no llevan cruces vistas colgando del cuello, pero que aman sirviendo hasta que duele. Que no llevan el Evangelio en la boca, sino […]
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Eucharistic adoration (II): manifestations

As we saw in a recent post, the Church considers adoration an essential aspect of Eucharistic worship. Gradually, "through the deepening of faith in the real presence of Christ in his Eucharist, the Church became aware of the meaning of silent adoration of the Lord present under the Eucharistic species" (CCE, n. [...]).
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