The Blog of Arguments

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Pope Francis interview on EWTN

Pope Francis gave an interview a few months ago when he was still a cardinal to the American network EWTN on the occasion of the Year of Faith convoked by Benedict XVI. We leave you the video below in which he explains the new idols of contemporary society, as well as some references to the creed and to the [...]
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Sanctity is a better communicator than rhetoric

La santidad es mejor comunicadora que la rétorica:" alt="Papa Francisco con periodistas" width="394" height="283" /> El sábado 16 de marzo tuvo lugar el primer encuentro del Papa Francisco con los representantes de los medios. El Papa se ganó a los periodistas con su sencillez, con su cariño y con su sinceridad. Tiene el atractivo […]
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Francis, the new Pope

Fernando Serrano ( @fserloz) Yes, there is a new pope. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has become the first pope from America and the first Jesuit to occupy the See of Peter. This cardinal, coming from Buenos Aires, with Italian roots, was chosen by the College of Cardinals, gathered in conclave, to [...]
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World leader wanted

Francisco J. Pérez Latre, La Razón (10.3.2013) The Pope is a world figure. He is an essential interlocutor and his opinion is sought in the great cultural and social debates of the moment. The Pope is followed by many and criticized by many, but he can no longer be ignored. He carries out a constant task of defending and promoting the [...]
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How did Benedict XVI get on Twitter?

How did Benedict XVI get on Twitter: Gustavo Entrala, executive director of the 101 Agency, spoke during the #iRedes congress in Burgos to explain the digital transformation of the Catholic Church. His agency was in charge of creating Benedict XVI's Twitter account. The company's original idea was to create entertainment. Among its clients [...]
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Full text of the Pope's resignation

In the following lines you can find the words that Benedict XVI addressed this morning during the Ordinary Public Consistory in which he explains that he will resign from the Papacy. It is a good occasion to pray for Benedict XVI and for his successor. Dearest brothers and sisters, I have summoned you to this Consistory, not only for the three causes [...]
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World Communications Day

On January 24, on the occasion of the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists and communicators, the Pope published a message in which he explains precisely some aspects related to the communication of the faith and social networks. We leave below the text for you to read. We will be tweeting in [...]
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