The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

Spreading the joy of faith

Last month we began a series of entries with resources related to the Pope's intentions. This is the one for July: For our brothers and sisters who have fallen away from the faith, so that, through our prayer and evangelical witness, they may rediscover the closeness of the merciful Lord and the beauty of life [...]
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Pope's Intention June 2017

Ya ha salido "el vídeo del Papa" con la intención por la que Francisco quiere que recemos este junio: que se acabe el comercio de armas. En el fondo, se trata de rezar por la paz del mundo.
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Pope Francis' TED Talk

Pope Francis surprises us once again. Who would have thought that a successor of Peter would give a TED talk? Well, yes. Here is a summary of Pope Francis' TED Talk, which can be summarized in three words: solidarity, hope and tenderness.
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The nine trips of St. John Paul II to Poland

WYD Krakow 2016 is approaching and, for the first time, Pope Francis will visit Poland. A land that his predecessor St. John Paul II visited nine times. Why not? It was his homeland. As the Polish Pope is one of the patrons of this coming WYD, we wanted to rescue the reviews of each of the 9 [...]
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Francisco: Encíclica, Exhortaciones y... Cómics

">">El papa Francisco se ha tomado en serio lo de llegar a las "periferias": tanto así que él mismo se ha convertido en un personaje de cómic para llegar a los más pequeños. Hace cuatro días fue lanzada la aplicación Pope Francis Comics: "Una divertida e interesante app educativa que explica las palabras del Santo […]
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Pope Francis travels for the first time to Africa

The pontiff travels for the first time to Africa between 25 and 30 November where he will visit Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. Pope Francis will defend the coexistence between Christians and Muslims in with stops in Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic.on this interactive map you can see the entire agenda planned by the Pope [...]
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The travels of St. John Paul II

Enter the beta version of The Travels of St. John Paul II A little more than three times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. This is how the 104 trips of St. John Paul II outside Rome can be summarized in kilometers. With 129 countries visited, the Polish pope dedicated 543 days of his pontificate to [...]
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How to follow the Pope's trip to Cuba and the United States?

">"> Francisco regresa al continente americano. El próximo 19 de septiembre empieza el viaje del Papa a Cuba y Estados Unidos, países en los que estará cuatro y cinco días, respectivamente. La visita papal genera gran expectación, después de que se supiera que Francisco medió para que Cuba y Estados Unidos restablecieran relaciones diplomáticas. Para […]
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What did the Pope say in Paraguay?

">">Terminamos nuestra serie de entradas sobre las palabras del papa Francisco en su viaje por Latinoamérica: después de repasar lo que nos dijo en Ecuador y Bolivia, ahora veamos qué mensaje nos dejó el papa en Paraguay. Esperamos  que estos fragmentos te hayan servido para unirte a las intenciones del sucesor de Pedro. 1. Un pueblo […]
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What did the Pope say in Bolivia?

We continue our series of posts in which we collect some excerpts from the speeches of Francis during his trip to Latin America. We remind you that you can use these paragraphs to draw closer to God and pray for the fruits of the Holy Father's trip. Without further ado, here is what the pope said in Bolivia [...]
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