The Blog of Arguments

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Letter of Pope Francis to Chinese Catholics

Why has the Pope written a letter to the Catholics of China? The Vatican and the Chinese government reached a historic agreement on the appointment of bishops last September 22. The rupture of relations between the Chinese government and the Vatican had caused the Church to split into two parts: [...]
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Pope Francis' special relationship with St. Matthew

Miserando atque eligendo El lema del Papa Francisco, 'miserando atque eligendo', procede de las Homilías de san Beda el Venerable. Esta homilía es un homenaje a la misericordia divina y se reproduce en la Liturgia de las Horas de la fiesta de san Mateo. Justo en esta fecha y con 17 años, el joven Jorge Mario Bergoglio […]
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A documentary by the hand of Pope Francis

Pope Francis, a man of his word This is the title of the documentary directed by Win Wenders and produced by Universal Pictures, about Pope Francis and the problems of today's world. It will be released in Spain, thanks to Bosco Films, on September 28. 50 cinemas will screen this journey around the world by the hand of [...]
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Pope Francis' trip to Ireland: hope for a new beginning

Two days. That was the time Pope Francis spent on his intense trip to Ireland. With a busy schedule, he visited a Church wounded by the cases of sexual abuse that took place in the second half of the 20th century, which today have caused the Catholic Church to lose [...]
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Pope Francis' letter on the Pennsylvania abuse cases

Letter of Pope Francis to the People of God "If one member suffers, all suffer with it" (1 Cor 12:26). These words of St. Paul resonate strongly in my heart as I see once again the suffering experienced by many minors as a result of sexual abuse, abuse of power and abuse of conscience committed by a notable [...]
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Pope Francis' travels in infographic

Pope Francis Travels Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope on March 13, 2013. That same year and only 9 months after becoming Pope Francis, he beat the likes of Edward Snowden, Miley Cyrus or Barak Obama, becoming the Person of the Year, an award granted by Time magazine. [...]
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3 words for a pontificate: communication, humility and proximity

Francis is already one of the great public opinion and communication phenomena of the early 21st century. Any assessment of communication in the pontificate of Francis is still premature but unique characteristics are noted, such as those arising from the Jubilee of Mercy (Ivereigh, 2017). These characteristics merit further study [...].
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Juan Vicente Boo: "Los tuits del Papa desbordan sabiduría"

Juan Vicente Boo: Juan Vicente Boo has been ABC's Vatican correspondent for 18 years, where he has followed the Popes since John Paul II, accompanying them on more than 50 international trips. He has been a promoter of the television agency Rome Reports, where he promoted documentaries such as Benedict XVI: The Adventure of Truth. He is the author of the book [...]
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The best phrases of St. John Paul II in tweets

October 22, Feast of St. John Paul II: Who was John Paul II? On October 22, we celebrated the feast of a giant of holiness: St. John Paul II. This date was not chosen at random. It is the day he began his pontificate in 1978. He was 58 years old at the time. He became [...]
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Ten ideas of Francis in Colombia

Francis' message in Colombia: There are many meetings, speeches, homilies and words that the Pope pronounces during a pastoral trip. That is why it is easy that after them we do not get to deepen in everything he has said. We want to make it easy for you, and we have made a summary of his visit to Colombia. Here [...]
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