The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

Let's Dream Together'', new book by Pope Francis

"Let's Dream Together". a book that surprises for its structure ''Let's Dream Together'' is not the typical book of questions and answers, although these were quite long, because that is how it is subtitled: "Conversations with Austen Ivereigh". Questions that "I asked him and he (Francisco) recorded his ideas". But this refers only to "the first part of the book." [...]
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Universal Invitation to Pray for the End of the Covid-19 Pandemic

An Our Father and the Urbi et Orbi Blessing to pray for the end of the pandemic Pope Francis has called on all the faithful of the world to pray the Our Father on March 25, the Feast of the Incarnation, at the Angelus. With this gesture, he wants to universalize the [...]
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Pope Francis' Messages on the Notre Dame Fire

Pope Francis closely followed the fire at the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral and from the very first moment he expressed his sorrow for the tragedy and his closeness to French Catholics through his spokesman, Alessandro Gisotti. Later he wrote letters to the Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, in the message [...].
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The 6 funniest moments of Pope Francis

El Papa Francisco ha protagonizado en sus 6 años de Pontificado muchos momentos graciosos y divertidos. Es un Papa con mucho sentido del humor, cercano y que se ríe cuando suceden situaciones extrañas o curiosas. Hemos seleccionado algunos de los momentos divertidos más representativos. 1) "Asalto" de las monjas de clausura en Nápoles Durante el […]
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Pope Francis' trip to Ireland: hope for a new beginning

Two days. That was the time Pope Francis spent on his intense trip to Ireland. With a busy schedule, he visited a Church wounded by the cases of sexual abuse that took place in the second half of the 20th century, which today have caused the Catholic Church to lose [...]
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