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Friday of Sorrows: Friday preceding Palm Sunday

El Viernes de Dolores es una fiesta variable. Se celebra el último viernes de Cuaresma, previo al Domingo de Ramos y marca el inicio de la Semana Santa.
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March 25: The Incarnation and the Annunciation

What is celebrated on the Feast of the Incarnation? "The Incarnation is the mystery of the admirable union of the divine nature and human nature in the one Person of the Word." (Catechism, n. 483) "The fact of the Incarnation of God, who becomes a man like us, shows us the realism without [...]
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March 19: St. Joseph, patron saint of the Church

Origin of the feast The cult of St. Joseph took a long time to gain strength in the Christian world, despite the fact that he was the chosen father of Jesus. The main reason is that Christians, originally, only worshipped martyrs, and this was not the case of St. Joseph. At the beginning of the 4th century, the [...]
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February 11: Our Lady of Lourdes

Historia de la fiesta El 11 de febrero la Iglesia celebra la fiesta de la Virgen de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. La Virgen se apareció en una gruta en 18 ocasiones a una niña, Santa Bernardette, cerca a la localidad de Lourdes (Francia).Estas apariciones son consideradas un agradecimiento del cielo por el dogma de la Inmaculada […]
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December 17: St. Lazarus of Bethany

Who was Saint Lazarus of Bethany? Saint Lazarus of Bethany, also known as Saint Lazarus, was a New Testament character who was a close friend of Jesus Christ, whom he hosted in his house on several occasions during his time of preaching. He is well known for the powerful miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John, in which he [...]
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December 14: Saint John of the Cross

Who was St. John of the Cross? Master of the practical science of contemplation and Doctor of the supreme incommunicable knowledge. Mystic and poet, he writes about the spirituality of denial and abandonment in the dark night of the soul, based on his own experience. St. John of the Cross is a "wounded" man of love, [...]
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December 12: the Virgin of Guadalupe

History of the feast December 12 is the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe. She is considered the Empress of the Americas. In 1531, the Mother of Jesus Christ, Saint Mary of Guadalupe, kindly appeared to Saint Juan Diego, a Chichimeca Indian from central Mexico. Her message was clear, she wanted him to [...]
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December 10: Virgin of Loreto

History of Our Lady of Loreto The Holy House of Loreto is the same house in Nazareth that the Archangel Gabriel visited at the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is there that the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us. It is also where the Holy Family lived on their return from Egypt, and where Jesus [...]
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December 8th: Ninth day of the Novena to the Immaculate Conception

Ninth and last day of the Novena to the Immaculate Conception. Today we consider some words of Benedict XVI in which he refers to the Virgin Mary as our advocate, alluding to the words of the Salve, the traditional Christian prayer. 1. Opening Prayer Holy and Immaculate Virgin, to you who are the pride of our people and the [...]
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December 8: The Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Today we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The Virgin was conceived without stain of original sin. God wanted to grant her this privilege in order to give her the gift of her divine Maternity. This dogma was approved in 1854 by Pius IX through the Bull Ineffabilis Deus. Mary [...]
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