The Blog of Arguments

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August 14, St. Maximilian Kolbe

A life that brings together the best and the worst of humanity Today we celebrate St. Maximilian Kolbe, a courageous man who gave his life in Auschwitz for that of a family man. But such generosity is not improvised. We tell you his story through the marvelous pen of journalist Javier Marrodán, who [...]
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July 29, Santa Marta

Who was Saint Martha? Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus. She lived in Bethany, a small town about four kilometers from Jerusalem, near the Mount of Olives. In the Gospel we read in several passages how Jesus went to rest at the home of these three brothers, he was their friend. St. John tells us [...]
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July 16, the Virgin of Carmen

The origins of the devotion to the Virgin of Mount Carmel The origins of the name of Carmel are to be found in the region of Galilee, in a mountain that rises in the maritime town of Haifa and that receives the name of Carmel, which in Hebrew means 'garden'. According to the Book of Kings, that [...]
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July 11, St. Benedict Abbot, patron saint of Europe

¿Quién es San Benito Abad? San Benito Abad o también conocido como San Benito de Nursia es patrón de Europa y Patriarca del monasticismo occidental. Benito etimológicamente significa "bendecido". Es considerado el Padre del monasticismo occidental. Decidió abandonar Roma y el mundo para evitar la vida licenciosa de dicha ciudad. Vivió como ermitaño por muchos […]
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50 days after Easter Sunday: Pentecost

¿Qué celebramos en Pentecostés? ¿Cuándo se celebra la solemnidad de Pentecostés? ¿Qué otros nombres tiene esta fiesta? Recursos para conocer mejor al Espíritu Santo.
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May 26: St. Philip Neri

Who is St. Philip Neri? St. Philip Neri is known as the saint of good humor, of joy and of the young. His incorrupt body rests in the beautiful church of Rome, Santa Maria in Vallicella, also known as the Chiesa Nuova (New Church). He gave the abandoned children of Rome a home and a [...]
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May 24: Mary Help of Christians

Origen de la fiesta María, auxilio de los cristianos (en latín: Maria Auxilium Christianorum) es un título antiguo dado a María, madre de Jesús. San Juan Crisóstomo la llamó "Auxilio potentísimo, fuerte y eficaz de los que siguen a Cristo". San Juan Damasceno, famoso predicador, es el primero en propagar esta jaculatoria: "María Auxiliadora rogad por […]
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May 1: Saint Joseph the Worker

El 1 de mayo se celebra la fiesta de San José Obrero. Te contamos qué dice la iglesia y los santos sobre el trabajo para que profundices sobre su sentido.
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April 29: St. Catherine of Siena

Biography of St. Catherine of Siena St. Catherine was born in Siena on March 25, 1347. She was the 23rd daughter of Lapa Piagenti and Giacomo di Benincasa. Unfortunately, half of her siblings died at an early age, including her twin sister. At the age of fifteen, despite family opposition, she entered [...]
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Second Sunday of Easter: Divine Mercy Sunday

What is Divine Mercy Sunday? On the second Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday. "Humanity will have no peace until it puts its trust in my mercy". This devotion is due to particular revelations to St. Faustina Kowalska. Who instituted this feast? The Feast of the Divine Mercy [...]
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