The Blog of Arguments

Contents included in the articles

Missionary animation on the Web

Missionary Animation on the Net: Last Saturday, October 7, a group from Arguments participated in the Missionary Animation meeting of the Northern Zone of OMP. We were asked to present a Communication on Arguments' resources for Evangelization on the Internet. The one chosen to represent us was our Director of Formation: Lucía Martínez [...]
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Praying we go

Rezando voy, Rezando vamos: Un ambicioso proyecto Jose María Olaizola, o ">">@jmolaizola como se le conoce en Redes, comienza aclarando, micrófono en mano y ante un público atento, que esto no es una presentación de un libro, sino de un proyecto. Un proyecto que empezó sostenido y respaldado por la ">">Compañía de Jesús y con sede […]
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">"> El oficio a ninguno lleva al infierno, el mal uso de él a todos. -Diego de Torres Villarroel-  Montse y Marisa trabajan en la misma empresa, realizan la misma función y cobran el mismo salario. Sin embargo, oyéndolas hablar, parecería que tienen labores opuestas. Montse, siente que le piden más trabajo del que le […]
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Ten ideas of Francis in Colombia

Francis' message in Colombia: There are many meetings, speeches, homilies and words that the Pope pronounces during a pastoral trip. That is why it is easy that after them we do not get to deepen in everything he has said. We want to make it easy for you, and we have made a summary of his visit to Colombia. Here [...]
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Contemplating the Mysteries of the Rosary through Art

October, month of the Rosary Why October and not another month? The history of the Rosary dates back to the 12th century. It was the Virgin herself who appeared to St. Dominic de Guzman and taught him to pray it. However, it was not until the Middle Ages that this devotion spread. The Christians, aware [...]
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La Cabaña

The Shack-The Shack This is the title of Stuart Hazeldine's latest film, with a magnificent cast: Sam Worthington, Octavia Spencer, Tim McGraw and Radha Mitchell. The Shack (The Shack) will be released on October 6 in Spain, collecting more than 61 million dollars worldwide, promises not to leave us indifferent after seeing it. The plot [...]
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